Let's talk Biden in context


Have you watched Biden’s speeches or interviews in their entirety?

If so, does he have a brain freeze every few minutes or just once in a while?

That’s what I’m saying… he’s been like this since 2018. Or is it good that he’s been ■■■■■■■ things up that badly for two years?

He misquoted a movie.

If I had a penny for every intelligent and erudite person who misquoted a line from Shakespeare, for example, I’d be rich.

But, to the point of this thread.

Have you watched a Biden speech or interview in its entirety, and if so does he make some sort of mental mixup every few minutes, or just once every speech, or once every five speeches, or what?

Look at the threads about Biden. Low post count unless Trump is tossed in. That’s how low the enthusiasm for Biden is. Only TDS submissions can carry a Biden thread.

What do you mean “we”?

Will anything posted here change your vote in November?

you’re looking for something that would not exist in the early stages of dementia. For there to be the kind of complete interview where he’s out to lunch it would not be the early stages. further, in later stages, it wouldn’t likely exist since the afflicted tend to speak much less.

did you actually look at the line he supposedly misquoted? The only similarity between the line from the movie and what he said was the name of the movie which was not even part of the dialogue he supposedly misquoted. The words, “you’re”, “lying” “dog faced” and “pony soldier” were not spoken at all.

Oh…you’re finally beginning to come around that it’s not just a “stutter”? It’s about time? :sunglasses:

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No. Saying, “You can grab them by the ■■■■■■■ is vile. But actually giving the ■■■■■ a one finger throat swab, that’s cool. Come on, man!

No, he wasn’t. That movie doesn’t exist.

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“No worse than Trump.” :+1:


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Is there any democrat that you will not go to the mat defending? :thinking:

He was. He is just getting progressively worse. Very swiftly it seems to me.

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Yes, I’ll start with “the squad” they same some stupid things. But when it comes to Biden, The Trump worshipers have taught us well. Defended everything and never take responsibility for anything that isn’t good.

Well my post wasn’t addressed to you. I can see a democrat defending democrats but when i see folks who claim to be republican defending most democrats and most left wing policies that is an entirely different thing.

As for Trump “worshippers” i don’t know any.


I know plenty. Such as the ones who say absolutely nothing or worse openly support Trump saying he has absolute power, when they would have had a complete meltdown had Obama ever used those words.

Supporting Trump policies does not make one a worshipper.

I might add that had Obama said those words the left and media would have given him a complete pass.


Trump claiming to have total power is not a policy anyone should agree with. Yes, a lot of the left would have given him a pass. I am not a lot of the left and would not have given him a pass for saying that. It’s ok to actually criticize people who you otherwise support when they do something dumb.