Let's Put The Lie In The Grave - MAGA Fraud RIP

Maybe he was cleaning them……like with a cloth.


Because of hypocrites attacking Trump, the TDS’ers, The USA is at the biggest risk, it’s ever faced.

Yes it was FRAUD.

i stated the basis, why did you cut it off?

Keep your eyes closed tight.

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Exactly what Hillary had on her servers.
No reasonable prosecutor…

Remember, it was leaked that the FBI searched to see if Trump used those documents for any personal benefit and could find none. Clearly they were looking for a nefarious purpose in having those documents so they could make the case his situation was worse than Hillary’s.

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Or some of the feds, “We’re going to go IN to the capital!”. “Fed fed fed”.


Key difference being that she was SS at the time. She mishandled, but did not keep the documents after her tenure expired.

The situation with Trump is different in that he took possession of the documents when his term expired. He also (via attorneys) made counter-factual replies to subpoenas.

This leaves less room for an excuse. The only ones left are that it was an accident that he kept the documents, or that he has a right to them after all. So far his team has not committed to a specific excuse.

The documents case of Clinton and Trump is apples and oranges. Trump violated the Presidential Documents Act. Clinton did not.

What is the penalty for violating the Presidential Documents Act?

For starters if you don’t give the documents back voluntarily they will come and take them from you.

Right. There are no criminal penalties.

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Great, then that’s the end of it from that perspective. (Unless additional documents are discovered).

That is not what Trump should be worried about. There are penalties for obstruction of justice which I believe could be proved.

How is that the basis for being “not so bad”?

He lost to Shrek with a Stroke.

Come on man.

Did Oz even live in the state?

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The election systems are not credible and are insecure. That was the party line from Democrats in 2018 and 2019.

President Biden said as much ahead of the 2022 elections if they go “the wrong way”.

Security systems that had existed were compromised in 2020 by universal vote-by-mail with little to no check on the signatures along with counting of ballots that arrived after the election day.

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I disagree with Sean.

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No they weren’t.

Of course you do.

Do you get it now?

This surprises me.