Let us be clear. President Trump cannot shut down the federal government!

“I’m not talking about what he said, I’m talking reality.” Well, isn’t that it all in a nutshell…


Who is this “open border crowd” you speak of? Name one person who has advocated an open border.

What Bill was sent to the President to sign which he refused to sign?


You can always tell a Limbaugh listener from his use of the phrase ______ crowd.

So…what you are trying to say is that a Wall is the ONLY way to stop illegals coming into the U.S.? The ONLY way?

I already addressed that question. Now tell me how President Trump shut down the government. I believe the shutdown occurred because the Senate did not pass a spending bill by midnight which triggered the shutdown, and in particular, did not pass the spending Bill sent over by the House.

Am I in error?


No. I never would make such an absurd claim. But a wall or some appropriate type of physical barrier is the most practical way under certain circumstances.

Tell me, would a wall not stop the following types of invasions at our border?




Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the measly $5 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

I too, believe we need effective queuing systems for those applying for asylum… The bottleneck today is in the processing…

On a dead forum. All of us conservatives did. But you’re right…i can’t prove it. Keep protecting/ sticking up for Trump. It sounds ridiculous.

And who is going to pay for that mother’s economic needs and the needs of her children if she sets foot on American soil? She smells the free government cheese and is running towards it, and will give birth to a few more children to increase her share of free government cheese should she set foot on American soil.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Seriously…i feel better knowing the government is shutting down.

I only stick up for politicians when they are acting to promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens. It is quite obvious you are unable to make that distinction and act accordingly.



Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the measly $5 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

He’s acting to promote his own welfare. You and me…we’re just pawns.

Addressing the poster not the post?

Ummm… Read the article… She is already on American soil… Her asylum claim will be heard eventually… I wonder how many immigration judges we could hire for $5B…

I think his attempt to stop the ongoing invasion of our border is in fact advancing the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


President Trump, by the terms of our Constitution, is obligated “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”.

As you did HERE?

But every one of the caravan members who applies will be given an asylum hearing… How is that “stopping an invasion”?

Apples and oranges.

President Trump’s orders were very effective as shown below.