Kansas votes to NOT remove abortion protection from state constitution

Next election where Democrats get creamed, of course. November?

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How many red states are bringing this up for popular vote as opposed to simply passing overly restrictive abortion laws?

How many do you think are going to?

Oh this is rich. Kansas didn’t go for forced pregnancies? As in, what’s the matter with? You guys might be in bigger trouble than you think.

While it is of course theoretically possible that they could have drafted a Constitutional amendment that actually placed restrictions on abortion with “adequate exceptions,” I think it’s a stretch to claim that a more restrictive Constitutional amendment would have passed, in light of this amendment’s failure.

I don’t think it’s a surprise.

We know from polling that the abortion laws being passed by a lot of red states are not favored by people in general (of all political stripes).

The PEOPLE seek moderation. Their POLITICAL LEADERS do not.

And the political leaders are going to do everything possible to avoid having the people in their states have direct say over the abortion issue.

And so it was not an “overreaction” to realize the overturning of Roe would lead to states with overly restrictive abortion laws. Many of those laws likely not being favored by the population in those states.

The Kansas result is an aberration because the people got a chance to have a direct voice.

That will not happen in most red states. Divisive, extreme politicians will make sure of it.

And then there’s the rest of us who know the deal without the need for pollsters or links to tell us what to think. :rofl:

Probably, as with most issues in a representative democracy, legislators will run based on their position on this and other issues. People will then vote for the legislator who best represents their position.

In Missouri (and most other states free enough to have people vote on amendments), if we don’t like what the legislature does, we’ll do it ourselves.

Our right to keep and bear arms (without a permit) is unalienable.

Our right to farm shall not be infringed.

These are small examples of things We The People add to our constitution when our representatives fail to legislate our will.


Of course you are ignoring the part where extreme politicians are not going to the people…which was why I told you when you “predicted” this that there would be no move towards moderation.

Kansas does not validate you.


That’s refreshingly naive!

Nah, I’m just smart enough to see how this is all going to play out, because I’m one of those people who doesn’t need polls and links to tell me what the outside world is like. :wink:

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Let us also remember, hardly any legislatures are currently in session. Let’s talk again in 2023.

Especially right now. Polls right now are worthless

They’re, skewed. :wink:

Okee dokee.

In the meantime several states have severely restrictive abortion laws and those aren’t changing any time soon.

Alright “worthless” might be a bit strong. “Unreliable” might be more accurate.

They’ll get it worked out on their own time, not yours. It’s none of your business anyway. :wink:

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I concur. lol


That was funny thread.

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I especially liked the way those half dozen or so libs freaked out when confronted with the fact that a middle ground is there. :rofl:

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