Kansas votes to NOT remove abortion protection from state constitution

fascinating. nothing in this post has anything at all remotely to do with the topic


huh. so abortion isnt becoming illegal after all



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Let me help you. Women are slut shamed, men are glorified- for the same act.

in Kansas. For now.

Really? Link?

The White House says that the people of Kansas have zero right to vote on this issue. Everything must be decreed by the Supreme Court.

The exception is if the court disagrees with the party line from the Democratic Party. Then we need violent mobs and assassination attempts to intimidate the court into submission.

That is how we defend democracy and rule of law.

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The citizens of Kansas agree.

They just voted that they do not have the right to vote on this issue.

Ah. The old basic human rights are determined at the federal level and states are there to pass traffic laws theory.


Interesting night in Kansas. As a few said, there is already stuff in the books that allow women in Kansas to seek an abortion, what this bill wanted to do was overrule the previous rulings and rights already in place.

And boy, they got a bit of a surprise last night.

First off, the polling was way off. The proposal looked to have a narrow advantage going into the day, by a few points over “No”. Plus, the bill itself was purposefully worded rather strangely, it was difficult to determine what exactly folks were voting for. Fortunately those in the “No” camp were very effective in getting information out as to what each vote meant.

But the polling was off so large, “No” won by almost 20 percent, that it seemed to pollsters that folks were not being honest about how they were going to actually vote. Sort of a Trump effect.

In 2020 only 9 counties in Kansas were won by Biden, last night “No” won 19 counties. Meaning traditionally Conservative counties that support the GOP were among the “No” counties. That is a big deal.

And lastly, the turnout was impressive. 1.2 million Kansans voted in the 2020 election, 900k voted yesterday, almost double the previous off year primary vote in 2018 and equal to the 2018 election numbers.

A lot of people are seeing this result and recalculating what ending Roe really means. For the Pro Life side, it clearly indicates taking things too far is going to come back and bite you, and you can’t trust the polls to guide you. For the Pro Choice side, it seems clear that getting this issue to the voters is a big boost for Dems and Pro Choice Republicans. Michigan is voting on this issue in the Fall, we got 750k signatures to make reproductive rights a Constitutional amendment. I have a feeling it will do rather well.


Ah. They voted that they do not get to vote on this issue. I am going to have to ponder that one.

actually the right to choose is codified by the UN as a basic human right.


So maybe the federal government should be making the traffic laws?

I think it was determined it would have to be changed by the state constitution method.

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Isn’t the baby human and have a choice then?

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Yes. And obviously Kansas votes on their constitution. Which means they vote on the issue, just by way of their constitution…or in this case voting not to change their constitution. Kind of counts as a vote.

It’s always been about controlling women’s bodies.

It’s not that complicated. The Kansas GOP put forth an amendment to the state Constitution that would remove the right to an abortion - which would then allow anti-abortion laws to be passed, by referendum or legislation.

The voters rejected that amendment - affirming that abortion is a right that cannot be taken away by legislation or popular vote.

what does that have to do with basic human rights as codified by the UN?


There it is again, as if the voters are well-informed people who make educated decisions on what they vote for. :thinking:

Cite the article of the UN that guarantees a right to abortion as a human right. Then cite a ruling by our Supreme Court that the UN takes precedence over the authority retained by our states or our national sovereignty