Kansas votes to NOT remove abortion protection from state constitution

should have never gotten to the state level, the right to choose is a basic human right but here we are trying to protect a woman’s right to choose on the state level.


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Anyone has right to choose or just a woman’s right to choose is a basic human right?


Good. See, before this year, a politician could say, “I’m pro life/choice!” and be done with it, because Row V Wade.

Now, they have to campaign on this, and that makes me smile. :slight_smile:


The world is not so radical about these things as the TV tries to “help” people be. :wink:


We all have a right to choose what happens to our bodies.

The libs who whined the most about this have been dead wrong with everything coming out of their proverbial mouths. They still can’t help their ra(D)ical selves. :wink:


Anecdote from our small town -

Neighborhood die hard republican ER doctor informed my wife yesterday that she is now a two issue voter - Pro choice and pro gun regulation candidates only for her for now.

Politicians who could safely say ‘I want to ban all abortions!’ when it could never be done now have to deal with this reality…voters like this doc could ignore their rhetoric in the past because it was not possible…now it has to be considered.

Massive flip-flopping is in the GOPs future I think.


When was the last time those panty twisters ever got anything right? They live for the thrill of being offended by what they faithfully consume. :wink:


If you get pregnant I totally support your right to choose as well

Nice cope out libs can’t even define a man or woman.


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that is why [lib] control freaks detest federalism . . . it is an obstacle to controlling and subjugating the people completely.

No it’s really not. I support everyone’s right to make decisions about their own bodies and health. I do not support “ your right” to make that decision for someone else

OK fair enough.However who is deciding for the baby? Who is deciding for the military people for refusing the shot?


It’s only your body, your choice, if you’re a female with loose legs. If libs get scared of a germ, well, your hands are tied. :wink:


I do not nessessarily agree with that either. Even when Covid was the most dangerous they should of been given the option to refuse the shot and receive an honerable discharge. And now that the virus has mutated any punishment is excessive

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Feel better now? lol

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And just like that slut shaming is back in style for a segment of America


It’s vile.

And by a lot of the same people who gave Trump props for banging porn stars while his wife was pregnant. Vile and hypocritical