Just don't call it open borders

Unless they work for cash, they pay taxes and taxes are deducted from their paychecks.

Most don’t file wonder where all that money goes.

They are not doing crappy jobs no one else is willing to do. They taking jobs at a wage amount that citizens will not do the job for. They are not hard working and honest. They are no different than anyone else. They lie, steal and commit crimes. Then you defend them and crap on the citizens of the United States.

How much do you expect a hamburger flipper to be paid?

I keep hearing about fast food worker wage increases…something so called conservatives seem to really not like.

Citizens who qualify for all the benefits scoff at it and would rather live on the dole.

Illegals don’t have that luxury

In ten years when they get their court date and are shipped home how many are going to pay back that money, they received illegally? How many are going to be fined for illegally entering the United States? They break the law entering illegally and you want to reward them for coming in illegally. You just proved why they are coming in illegally. They know you will defend their crimes and reward them for breaking the law.

Now you’re mixing illegals and those granted asylum.

Asylum seekers receive benefits upon being approved.

There might be some benefits in the in between but I would not know for sure.

Illegals are not flipping burgers. Illegals have more luxury than the citizens of the United States. They get to commit crimes and they are rewarded instead punished.

They are flipping burgers, building houses, landscaping and taking care of the Smith’s family grandma cause they can’t be arsed to deal with her.

Have you ever been to a job site? The unofficial language is Spanish

If they don’t have a reason for asylum, they are illegal. It does not matter that the left have coached them to say a few magic words to get around their crime.

Then if they are illegal they don’t qualify for benefits

Don’t tell fairy tales. Illegals are committing crimes every day and you defend their crimes.
Maybe you and most of the left don’t care for your elderly family members. But those of us on the right take care of ours in our homes of the family member’s home.
Illegals commit their first crime when they are too lazy to do things the right way and they lie or sneak over the border and when caught they lie.
Biden is going to lose because of the fact that he like you will defend the crooks coming over our border. Even encourage them and welcome. Then he like you will allow them to get special treatment at the expense of United States citizens.

No tales.

I understand why you must feel the way you do.

Practically speaking there’s really no ■■■■■■■ difference. Under the Biden Administration ANY illegal alien from anywhere in the world who screams “asylum seeker” is granted that status.

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There is a huge difference and you know it.

Emotionally speaking in your view there isn’t I’ll give you that.

ANYBODY in world who can get to the border and make a claim that they are here because they fear for their life will very likely be granted asylum status. Unless of course you believe that there’s some sort of biological mechanism that prevents people from lying when being considered for asylum status.

It is obvious the United Stated is being invaded by millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and terrorist military aged foreign nationals. And we also know this invasion is destructive the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.

The real question at this point in time is, when will a significant number of American Citizens admit it to themselves this is an intentional and orchestrated policy carried out and perpetuated by the leadership of our tyrannical federal government, which includes traitorous, judges, legislators, and our current president of the United States?

Why are American Citizens standing idle while the United States to be invaded by millions of foreign nationals without a shot being fired?


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in between and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.

Anybody can make a claim few are granted

Millions and millions are being ushered into the country with phony asylum claims, asylum has been turned into a game in order to avoid having to go through the normal legal process:

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There is a real crisis at the border and yes our asylum process is sorely out of date and in need of updating.

In fact our entire immigration system is in the Stone Age.

But there is a difference between those granted asylum, illegals and benefits.

Illegals do not qualify for benefits with the exception of very limited ones.

Asylum was NEVER intended to address the issue of millions and millions of people wanting to leave their countries because of poverty and crime, which is what is happening at the border. It has nothing to do with what the intended legal purpose for asylum laws.

We also have NUMEROUS ways for people to immigrate and come here legally:

Sorry I know you’re not a fan of immigrants.

But immigration is good, it just needs to be a more streamlined process that incentivizes people we need and want.

Our asylum criteria needs to be updated as to what and which countries can such claims even be warranted review.

Like I said from the start though there is no political will or incentive to make a real change.

You’ll be crying about immigration for the next 30 years.