Just don't call it open borders

Why do you make that accusation? You know it’s not true.

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The people who are coming in now who would not serve to the benefit of the country because of a lack of skill or ability would not stop coming in masse because we made it more easy for qualified and needed people to enter legally. They would want in at the border even if rejected. So changing the immigration laws would do nothing to stop this. Whether we should change our immigration laws is one thing. Stopping illegals at the border is another thing. For that, we need a President who can and will enforce border security.

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His posts, if it’s not true he can say so

I’ve read his posts. It’s not true.

Well we have a difference of opinion.

I did not think this was an egregious comment but if @Eagle-Keeper would like to clear it up by all means.

If he is a fan of immigrants then I apologize.

It’s not incompetence, my friend.
It’s all, IMHO, all done by design.
Cutting America down to size, just like Obama promissed.
WH knows this, they are not inept, they are continuing the plan and by the time the goal is acheived they will continue the same.
By the time homeland patriots exaust their moans and complaints the goal will be accomplished.
Dems can THEN close the border and say…‘there, we did what you want.
Nothing to see here.
If you were unhappy WHY didn’t you say so sooner’.

All we can do is screem in disbelief.

Isn’t this just the same old ad hominem tactic by those on the Left, that anyone who dares question or challenges modern lib orthodoxy and their infallible elite leaders must be a racist! Obviously there cannot be any logical reasons one would not want to flood their country with millions and millions of the world’s impoverished, uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking citizens and all their problems? :man_shrugging:


Show any post from me where I even remotely say that America doesn’t need immigration.

What on earth does your post have to do with the invasion of our country by foreign nationals, and our current Administration encouraging and even assisting those who are invading?


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal and terrorists, of other countries.

I’m well aware.

Congressman Andy Biggs from Arizona, a border state…

Just said on Harris Faulkner’s show on Fox that the administration has lost track of 75% of the illegals they have let into the country.

That’s public policy failure at a spectacular level right there.

But hey…Mayorkas says it’s climate change.

“ Moments after the House Homeland Security Committee announced Wednesday that it would begin proceedings to remove Mayorkas from his Cabinet post come Jan. 10, Mayorkas defended himself on television.

“We are seeing the greatest number of displaced people not only at our southern border, not only in the Western Hemisphere but across the globe,” Mayorkas told MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts Wednesday. “The challenge of displaced people is a subject that comes up in every single conversation. We have the effects of climate change, poverty, increasing level of authoritarianism, the very many challenges that are at the root cause of the displacement of people around the world.”. Mayorkas points blame for border crisis elsewhere, including climate change | Washington Examiner


You wanna watch something that’ll make your eyes and ears bleed…

Here’s the interview Bret Baier did with that scum Mayorkas…he refuses to admit to even the basic numbers re: the southern border nightmare he and Biden have caused.


Just like your border.


He literally admits they are not asylum seekers!


Admits? Confessed is more to the point!

Our founders knew how to deal with such traitorous scum!


In any other profession Mayorkas would have been fired as the failure he is by now


Well it looks like Mexico is going to make their demands in order to get their help to “solve” this issue:


I’m sure the Dems in Congress will LOVE this idea! Let’s piss away more billions of dollars of US taxpayer money in these ■■■■■■■■ countries! That is always the lib answer to EVERYTHING!

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So…in previous years with not Joe Biden the worn out old bought and paid for corrupt o crat in the White House…

Mexico wouldn’t have had the nerve to pull that ■■■■

Trumps “deal” with Mexico was that if they didn’t stop sending us migrants we would raise tariffs until they were cut off from all trade to the north.
They agreed to help.


From the linked article…

“ Mexico’s $20 BILLION demand from Biden to help fix the border mess: President AMLO asks for huge Latin American investment in return for helping migrants head north…”

AMLO “wants the U.S. to deploy $20 billion plan to help Mexico and Central American countries dealing with the root causes of migration – while also calling for wholesale changes in U.S.-Cuba policy.”


Biden will just continue to sell out America.

He’s disgusting.

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