Just don't call it open borders

Not just education but free healthcare for the world too!


Illegals do not qualify for healthcare or pretty much any government benefit other than WIC and possibly emergency Medicaid.

No snap, food stamps or anything of the like. It’s probably why they work their butts off.

Not true. I know illegals that were getting snap, food stamps and every bit of welfare that citizens get. They were using one fake SS# for work and another for fake SS# for welfare. They were bringing home over two thousand dollars a week working on construction jobs. They were not employed by me but by a contractor that I did sub work for. They bragged to my crew about how much they were raking in.

California…standard YouTube warnings and all…

“ California is ushering in 2024 with free healthcare for more than 700,000 migrants living illegally in the Golden State as the state is faced with a looming $68 billion deficit.

The program, which was announced in May by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will provide health insurance for approximately 700,000 illegal immigrant residents aged 26-49.”….

“ According to state Sen. María Durazo, D-Calif., the Medi-Cal expansion to include all illegall immigrants is expected to cost $2.6 billion annually.

The added cost comes as California is faced with a major budget crisis due to a “severe revenue decline.” The reason revenue is declining is people with the means are getting the hell out if that state.

They don’t qualify

State program

Doesn’t matter…taxpayers footing the bill…

Since California is broke at some point the rest of us will be asked to foot the bill…

And other big hearted blue states will of course follow suit.

No problem. They can pay for it out of their reparations.

Another genius level lib idea

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And free schooling for their kids, along with free lunches.


They also don’t qualify to be caught and released into the country, but here they are. What is legally required and what is done by the Biden administration are not the same.


The Binder Lady that blinks a lot says: “It’s shameful Gov. Abbott is giving sanctuary cities what they want”!
No seriously. :rofl:MSN
Does anyone take this WH serious anymore or are they that stupid?

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KJP is another failed DEI Divisity Hire…

But in her defense she’s the spokesperson for the worst president in history so I’m not sure how much she can be held accountable for her various stupid statements…

Sanctuary Cities are a major part of the problem. They were happy to virtue signal their love for the grand idea of migrants coming to America to build our country and their lives because said migrants are so much better than all of us.

And of course as long as the migrants all stayed in Texas it was easy to talk a big story and not have to do anything.

Now that Biden’s policies have caused the border to be completely overrun the whole sanctuary city thing is being exposed as the stupid idea it always was…and liberal hypocrisy is being laid bare for all to see.

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They do. But you go ahead and ignore what the illegals you are allowing into the country do. You have bought into the lie that they are all hard working. Some are. The majority are not.

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Hired a guy once. He passed everify and all was good until he had to start paying child support. Then he came into the office and complained. I did a little research. Found out that the guy with the SS$# and name he was using was sitting in prison. Called him in and questioned him. He could not come up with any good answers. I laid him off until he could bring in proof that he was who he said he was. He did not come back.

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When J’Biden flew illegal invaders in the middle of the night into Florida Gov. DeSantis packed them up on busses and delivered them to Martha’s Vineyard. After the photo ops the MA National Guard showed up and hauled their asses out of town. :rofl:
So the illegals got a taste of the elitist scum snobbery for about 24 hours.
Sanctuary for thee but not for me!


He wasn’t a murderer until he murdered.

They do not qualify being illegal cuts you out of benefits.

If someone is going to commit fraud that’s on them.

Most are hard working there is a reason you see them doing the crap jobs that no one else is willing to take from citizens that would rather sit on their butts since they qualify for snap.

Since conservatives define asylum seekers and refugees as “ illegal” that is probably where they are getting the idea that “illegals” get healthcare and snap benefits.

Now asylum seekers may also not be eligible for those benefits… I haven’t researched enough.

That’s it exactly, those granted asylum status or refugee status do qualify for some benefits.