Just don't call it open borders

The Biden Administration is literally aiding and abetting the human smuggling cartels:



I saw they got some ISIS.

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Nope, only poor indigent waifs are coming across looking for work and a better life while fleeing the despots of their own country. How dare you!

When things start going down, some people better learn to keep their mouths shut. My patience will have worn off by then.

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Wait. Several genius level liberal democrats in this forum have assured me those people coming here illegally don’t get government benefits.

Are you saying those people are wrong?


Like they always are?


The Biden administration…the most corrupt dishonest disaster of a presidency in this country’s history…

Are these people still pretending to be asylum seekers are has that myth pretty much fluttered by the way side?

Whatever the lie the lying corrupt senile Joe Biden’s stupid executive order last week isn’t doing a damn bit of good. Surprise Surprise…

“ President Joe Biden’s executive order to control the southern border does not appear to have affected the flow of illegal immigration into the country so far, according to sector reports, leaked data, and local officials.

Biden’s executive order on the U.S.-Mexico border, which officially went into effect last Wednesday, pauses new asylum requests once the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over a week-long time period, resuming when the seven-day daily average drops to 1,500. However, there are no signs so far that the order is stemming the tide of foreign nationals crossing the border between ports of entry.

There were nearly 4,000 migrants apprehended on Wednesday, the first full day of Biden’s order went into effect, according to data obtained by NewsNation. Similar numbers were reported for the following days that week with encounters spiking to 10,000 on Saturday, NewsNation reported, further indicating that Biden’s order has done little to decrease the number of migrants from crossing illegally through the U.S.-Mexico border.

John Modlin, the chief patrol agent of Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, reported 7,500 total apprehensions in his sector for the first week of June. This number is virtually unchanged from the 7,800 apprehensions that took place in the last week of May, and higher than the three other weeks that month.”

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Well, so much for that defense…


Mean Tweets.

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Meanwhile another Illegal immigrant from El Salvador raped and killed a mother of 5.

Thanks democrats.


Her blood is on Brandon’s hands. Straight up.


■■■■■■■ Biden should be removed from office.

I’m sorry if allowing a full fledged invasion of the country by millions of people from 170 countries resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans a year because of all the drugs that jerk had let it, or because of straight up murders like this story isn’t a high crime what is?

Biden is a ■■■■■■■ joke…he’s the worst president in our history …

I can’t believe there are people defending anything related to that clown or the democrats.


Why would anyone even consider going through the process of becoming a citizen legally at this point?

“Biden Announces ‘Mass Amnesty’ for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants”

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The list goes on and on. The truth is Joey ■■■■ for Brains has made it possible for not only an illegal invasion horde to flood millions of people from around the globe into America but criminal gang members, drug and human traffickers, terrorists and who knows how many are wanted for crimes in their own countries! And OBidens DHS under the management of the hapless Mayorkas have no idea who they are or where they are once they gain access into America.


More what democrats have done.

An illegal Ecuadorian immigrant is currently in NYPD custody after allegedly attacking two 13-year-old children in broad daylight at a popular park in Queens. The man wielded a machete and tied the boy and girl together by the wrists and raped the girl in broad daylight, police said.

That rape is on your hands libs.


Not really seeing the big threat here with this one.

I can see congress making some sort of arrangement for such people as part of an immigration/border negotiation. The legal excuse is based an a tortured reading of a parole provision which was given to provide for the foreign born spouses of military members. Signing up carries the same sort of risk as DACA did, if a future President chooses to contest that executive order. And we all know who that President might be.

Nothing is gained from kicking these people out and breaking up their family.

Better that they come out in the open without fear of being deported and have their status resolved in a just manner than have them live with the fear of deportation.

Sure….lib incrementalism at its finest.

“Noooo just let ‘em stay with their family nooo it’s okay we need those single males yo stay the do the work no o e else will do nooooo it’s fine they be been here a couple of years bring them out if the shadows….wait some mom got raped and murdered well most of them are ok just let em all stay”

You lefties and your POS president have broken our system. Sadly the only fix is to shutter the border complete and to give this country a chance to catch up from the mess you folks have made. There are millions of people here who should not be here.

We have a legal process….lefties have been breaking that down for as long as I can remember. We supposedly have borders for a reason.

I posted this in another thread. “ Nearly 1.4 million undocumented immigrants from a staggering 177 countries traveled through Mexico to the United States from January to May, according to Mexico’s National Institute of Migration.

Surges of illegal immigration “over brief periods of time” have happened in the past, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, but this “huge variety” of countries is unprecedented.

Considering there are 193 member states in the United Nations, nearly the entire world is taking advantage of the president’s “open invite,” he said.

“There were always a few exotics, that’s kind of my term. They call them OTMs, other than Mexicans, because there were so few of them that they lumped them all together,” Krikorian told Fox News Digital. But President Biden “essentially invited mass illegal immigration by letting people get across the border, and word spreads, so you’re getting people from everywhere.” Migrants from 177 countries accept Biden’s 'open invite’ to US border, complicating law enforcement: expert | Fox News

When is enough enough?


Remember this story?


Guy came here from Mexico, worked his way up from being a dishwasher to owning his own restaurant. Got married… had kids… was well liked in the community,.

What was gained by throwing him out of the country?

Deportation is a just manner resolution.

Whoever hired him should be in prison.