Just don't call it open borders

Why would anyone even consider going through the process of becoming a citizen legally at this point?

“Biden Announces ‘Mass Amnesty’ for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants”

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The list goes on and on. The truth is Joey ■■■■ for Brains has made it possible for not only an illegal invasion horde to flood millions of people from around the globe into America but criminal gang members, drug and human traffickers, terrorists and who knows how many are wanted for crimes in their own countries! And OBidens DHS under the management of the hapless Mayorkas have no idea who they are or where they are once they gain access into America.


More what democrats have done.

An illegal Ecuadorian immigrant is currently in NYPD custody after allegedly attacking two 13-year-old children in broad daylight at a popular park in Queens. The man wielded a machete and tied the boy and girl together by the wrists and raped the girl in broad daylight, police said.

That rape is on your hands libs.


Not really seeing the big threat here with this one.

I can see congress making some sort of arrangement for such people as part of an immigration/border negotiation. The legal excuse is based an a tortured reading of a parole provision which was given to provide for the foreign born spouses of military members. Signing up carries the same sort of risk as DACA did, if a future President chooses to contest that executive order. And we all know who that President might be.

Nothing is gained from kicking these people out and breaking up their family.

Better that they come out in the open without fear of being deported and have their status resolved in a just manner than have them live with the fear of deportation.

Sure….lib incrementalism at its finest.

“Noooo just let ‘em stay with their family nooo it’s okay we need those single males yo stay the do the work no o e else will do nooooo it’s fine they be been here a couple of years bring them out if the shadows….wait some mom got raped and murdered well most of them are ok just let em all stay”

You lefties and your POS president have broken our system. Sadly the only fix is to shutter the border complete and to give this country a chance to catch up from the mess you folks have made. There are millions of people here who should not be here.

We have a legal process….lefties have been breaking that down for as long as I can remember. We supposedly have borders for a reason.

I posted this in another thread. “ Nearly 1.4 million undocumented immigrants from a staggering 177 countries traveled through Mexico to the United States from January to May, according to Mexico’s National Institute of Migration.

Surges of illegal immigration “over brief periods of time” have happened in the past, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, but this “huge variety” of countries is unprecedented.

Considering there are 193 member states in the United Nations, nearly the entire world is taking advantage of the president’s “open invite,” he said.

“There were always a few exotics, that’s kind of my term. They call them OTMs, other than Mexicans, because there were so few of them that they lumped them all together,” Krikorian told Fox News Digital. But President Biden “essentially invited mass illegal immigration by letting people get across the border, and word spreads, so you’re getting people from everywhere.” Migrants from 177 countries accept Biden’s 'open invite’ to US border, complicating law enforcement: expert | Fox News

When is enough enough?


Remember this story?


Guy came here from Mexico, worked his way up from being a dishwasher to owning his own restaurant. Got married… had kids… was well liked in the community,.

What was gained by throwing him out of the country?

Deportation is a just manner resolution.

Whoever hired him should be in prison.

Can you say, “President Kamala Harris”?

That’s one apparently legitimate potential exception. What about the other 10-20 million?

This Executive order applies to about 50,000 people who have been here for over a decade.

Better this be negotiated as part of a border/immigration reform bill that sign up for it and then, after your name is on the list, have the courts say it is not valid.

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If I moved to another country knowing I had no legal right under their laws, if at any time I was deported I would accept that I had only one person to blame for the results.


They’re here illegally and should have been deported “a decade” ago.


That doesn’t mean any of them fit the merits of your anecdote. Being here illegally for a decade is not an accomplishment except as having evaded justice for ten years.


Here’s a story for you…

That POS Biden and his stupid policies got a kid raped and could have gotten a couple of them killed. Which what the hell, two more on top of Joey’s body count wouldn’t be a big deal would it.

You libs think you are so damn smart. You aren’t. This nonsense you voted for and daily justify is getting people killed and destroying the country.


What does that have to do with someone who has lived here over a decade, worked hard, got married, built a business and had a family?

It’s like discernment doesn’t exist at all. That every single thing is a threat.

That works both ways. You like to single out the good, productive illegals and others like to keep pointing out that not all of them are good or productive.