A Question About Trump for the Progs

It was a Nasty attack by Obama. Clearly.

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:rofl: :crazy_face:

Hear! Hear! :clap: :clap: :clap:

So you’re dead set against capital punishment, I take it?

To paraphrase Upton Sinclair: it’s hard to get a man to admit a statement was benign when his origin myth requires that statement to be malevolent.

Sure. In a world where words don’t have meanings.

What does execution by the State in retribution for unjustly and illegally taking a human life have to do with my statement?

Do you seriously think that you have an inalienable right to kill unborn children? Why does that right end at birth? Shouldn’t you under the guise of privacy have the same right to kill them at any age up to adulthood? Why should the law allow one, but not the other?

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So…update on that so called documentary…it was all fake


Any comment or concerns?


That was timely.

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all the voter fraud in 2020 was ■■■■■■■■■■

say it aint so.


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The Haters hate Trump because they don’t like what he says sometimes. Ignore his good policies.

All the while ignoring the hateful things that come out of Biden’s mouth to go with his horrible policies.

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Elsewhere on the forum, there’s a thread about a “hate filled speech” that Biden gave, yet nobody was able to provide a single example of the “hate” in the speech. Can you do better?

What hateful things has he said?

Terrible crime.

Still no proof that migrants commit more crime than citizens?

Ok then.

But one that is acceptable to lefties as a necessity to allow our borders to stay open for all sorts of criminals and vermin to enter

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No lootie for their snootie.

You have to understand the progressive mindset to know that one.

Already posted a couple of days ago.


From the link:

In the span of those 20 years, nearly 95 percent of the increase in federal arrests was “due to immigration offenses.”

Who is more likely to be arrested for an immigration offense?

Who is more likely to commit a crime?

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