Just don't call it open borders

No! The father being absent does not justify a mother leaving small children to fend for themselves for a week to 10 days. And by being absent, the fathers wouldn’t have even known that their kids were left unattended, whether they cared or not. They bear the blame for abandonment, but they do not share the blame for what the mothers did.

Clearly, the greatest domestic threat in this country is not far right racists with guns.

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No question.

If you’ll also notice it was mentioned that there were mental issues in the second case…which was the most horrendous. I’m not justifying. I’m simply saying there’s another HUGE part of this picture…that’s missing…and OFTEN is to the detriment of the children. It’s legalized child abuse in our society.

Ante up dumbasses.

What could you do with your $1,156.00?


As I have stated elsewhere, American citizens are being made into taxed slaves to pay for the economic needs of millions of foreign nationals who have invaded the United States’ border.


And you would be correct.

Did you see the video of Trump talking to people in Harlem today?

Here is a better video!

None of those people would have a chance to be interviewed for Bragg’s sham trial. :rofl:

Buy an illegal a plane ticket back where he or she came from.

How about Joe Potato Head does the plane ticket buying with the “Big Guy” cuts from his family grifting business? His wrinkly old arse invited the illegal invasion horde.

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Works for me.

This needs to be divided up equally between 81 million Brandonites…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

If there were that many, yes. They supposedly are responsible for this ■■■■ for brains being installed as POTUS. But good luck finding those 81 million. Only about 29% think that old ■■■■ is “doing a good job”! :rofl:

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If there is a will there is a way.
The thing is there is no will.
This nightmare started 3 and a half years ago and we THE PEOPLE are waiting for Nov/ 2024 to fix it ???
AND…if the Nov/2024 does not come…???.
Oh well…we have Freedom and Democracy at work so tough shizutcky…just lean back and enjoy. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I don’t blame the Left any more.
They KNOW they will get away with it and they’re pushing it while the other half is enjoying “FREEDOM and Democracy”.
WHAT a joke.
If this is American version of Freedom I suggest a serious look in the mirror and one’s chest.

This should help

Right on!

mad baby brandon


The price of max hold hair gel has really gone up.

I would be willing to allow 1 illegal in for every 1 home grown woke lib who would be deported in their place. :+1:

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An illegal with Isis ties has been arrested in Baltimore. He was in the country illegally for 2 year. Apparently he crossed the southern border illegally. Was stopped and then released into the US population via bidens open borders policy.


What was it the lefties here were saying about terrorists crossing the southern border?

Please remind me.


You are slipping, WuWe. You forgot to mention America’s hard working wage earners are having their paychecks confiscated to pay for their birth on American soil:

Going to need an amendment for that one.