Get ugly for who? Illegals? They shouldn’t even be here. Leftists who think they’ll physically stand in the way of the removal of an illegal criminal invader?
They could easily get their collective pinko lard asses kicked.
It will get ugly between those who are law abiding Americans and those that do not want our laws enforced…mostly because…they’ve been sheoplized by our MSM. One form of this insanity that has been sewn into our society is being labeled…TDS.
For one thing, he intends to ask the states to help, which is definitely permitted if at the request of the federal government. I would say Texas will be very much involved. California, not so much. Guess where illegals will be heading?
Hey, bigtwnvin, you disappoint me. I’m sure you know better!
Our current hate American crowd, which is now in charge of our federal government, has indeed learned of the fatal consequences of unregulated and massive invasion suffered by Germany. And that is the very reason for the Biden Administration inviting, and assisting in, the current invasion of our southern border by millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and unvetted terrorist foreign nationals.
The current authoritarian and revolutionary Democrat Leadership’s plan is to disrupt and cause the same economic and social havoc in the United States which has happened in Germany, and thus far they have been quite successful.
Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!
Well I’m sorry that I have disappointed you. I’ll try harder next time.
Greasy Gavin loses $24 Billion dollars earmarked to “fight homelessness”
More taxpayers money disappears. $24 Billion could have resolved a lot of homelessness across the entire country!
Wonder where it went?
I’m beginning to understand that all this stuff-these “policies”- are just one big grift.
I thought the Woke actually cared at least a little about their identity group, but they don’t seem to. They just want to grift their way into mansions and fancy vacations.
Unfortunately, those who are now in charge of our “goobermint”, radical authoritarian revolutionaries, have in fact learned the consequences suffered by Germany from massive, unregulated immigration, and that is why they are determined to keep the southern border open. They want the United States destroyed so they can then rebuild on its ashes, a Cuban style government, which rules with an iron fist and the barrel of a gun.
Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!
It take sometimes longer than we want but ….
I believe @johnwk2 …we’re all saying the same thing but “phrasing” it differently.
Nothing will happen to her. She’s got a built in excuse. Several in fact.
Like this worthless oaf?
Well to be fair, they’re both box checkers. One’s a common street hustling thief the other a useless skank that has been playing suckers for years.
Case in point
And it’s not the only one.
16 months old. Obviously not viable.
These women are mental.
The goal of these lib politicians is about absolute power. It has NOTHING to do with a better America for the people. The pathetic thing is that many people actually think these lib politicians care about them.
I didn’t express it very well. I agree, it’s the power. But I think the power is the means, not the end. The end is the grift. The money.
The bottom line is, they want the political power so they can plunder the people’s treasury, and redistribute it contents into the pockets of their own inner circle, which is what they have done in almost every Democrat controlled inner city, and at the federal level as well.
Let us not forget that 80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama’s corporate donors!
Let us never forget the Obama/Biden big fat lie about “Shovel-ready was not as … uh … shovel-ready as we expected… ha,ha,ha,”___ Obama, June, 2011
Notice that in both cases, it appears the mothers were doing everything and there was no male present in the equation. The fathers are equally to blame…maybe…even more so?
Biden has intentionally allowed hundreds of thousands of radical Muslims into our country, and they are now carrying out exactly what his Administration wants . . . disruptive protests against the United States and threats towards American citizens.
As I have correctly stated, when terrorist attacks begin on American soil, let us not forget it was the current Democrat Party Leadership who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and unvetted terrorist foreign nationals, into our country.
Let us never forget the Communist goals listed in the Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963, many of which have already been accomplished.