Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

The NRA used to help write gun regulation legislation.

Then they figured out how much money there was is divisive politics.



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Thatā€™s a whole lot of tough talk from a group of virtuous never-has-beens whoā€™ve never even been in a fight a day in their lives. :thinking:



Everything I clicked on within the article was behind a pay wall. What did she do that got her convicted?

I knew this retarded lib heap looked familiar. :rofl:


Happy Groundhog Day, folks. :rofl:


Canā€™t back up what youā€™re spewing.

Ask @Samm ā€¦he obviously read it. I was off buy a week on one state. Its 25 states until next week. Thats a far cry from the 11 states you are claiming.

What do ā€œreal menā€ do?

Iā€™m being gratuitous. :wink:

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Yes it is. The ā€œyou canā€™t yell fire in a crowded theaterā€ meme is a myth. You can say absolutely anything, but you are not absolved of responsibility for bad things that may happen because of your words.

No ā€¦ the Constitution says ā€œkeep and bear arms.ā€ Bearing arms includes ammunition. Without ammunition, a gun is not an arm.

But I am happy you are amused. Your amusement amuses me. :wink:


It is your right to live in obliviousness. Probably may be the only thing keeping you alive.

Who cares is a great username for you. :stuck_out_tongue:


OMG! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Almost nothing is unheard of.

No ā€¦ Men who are afraid to carry a gun arenā€™t truly men.

And men who are deliberately incapable of being manly are definitely not men.

Just simply pointing out why strict textualism is stupid.

They still do. 27 States with Constitutional Carry and counting.

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You still harping about this? @Oldandtired was correct when he said your ā€œmost statesā€ assertion was wrong. 25 is NOT most.