Who needs an AR-15?

Good ad

There are multiple lessons to be learned from Ukraine.

How many leftists have argued that they know what kind of weapons and how much ammo we “need”.

I think we’ve learned that’s none of their damned business.

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Sadly, Only they think what the media tells them. If they had learned anything they would be on this thread agreeing with us.

Apparently the libs at “Occupy Democrats” (quoted in post #37 above) seem to have learned something. (At least at some level.)

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The dems are brilliant at compartmentalizing. “Compartmentalization is the mental process of keeping things separate in order to avoid unpleasant feelings. It is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism that our minds use to deal with conflicting internal viewpoints.”

Lol…like I’ve been saying, to some having a gun makes them feel more manly…lol. I’ll agree with @WuWei , the writers of that ad knew their, ummm…target … :grinning:

Tough guy?

Confident in myself…

Interesting. Probably never been truly tested then.


Oh I think watching my late wife pass away from cancer is being tested… among other things

What on earth does that have to do with this context? What a strange reply.

I am sorry for your loss.

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“Probably never been truly tested”…A test is a test, context doesn’t matter. Were you looking for a specific type of test that one must endure to be confident in oneself? Does it have to involve some sort of life or death situation?

And thanks.

Well, that’s ridiculous.

As was that response that I was probably never truly tested…

I will take two AR-15, one for each hand. :cowboy_hat_face::rofl:

Biden will take on ice cream cone

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People who like ice cream are the worst؟

All I can say is


This guy has a weird look in his eye.

Another good ad would be: “Be advised, I shoot like my Grandma” with something like this picture from earlier…



She knows Trigger discipline.

Alec Baldwin could have used some lessons from her.