Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

That’s true.

Here is the earlier CNN link.

Here is the NY Times video that documents Israeli use of hundreds of 2000-lb bombs in designated “safe areas”:

In other words, they targeted a Hamas enclave with the greater area of a designated safe area. If Hamas would stop hiding among women and children that sort of thing wouldn’t result in civilian casualties.


Biden once again shows you should never underestimate his ability to screw things up!

Save Hamas, Vote Biden!

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Didn’t the US Ambassador to the UN just vote against the Resolution calling for a cease fire? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

who can remember these things?

Well, in my case, it was in the Newspaper Monday morning. :wink:

Biden is so addled he probably doesn’t even know how his Ambassador voted.


You honestly have no earthly idea what you are talking about. :crazy_face:

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We trade trauma for wisdom…

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Don’t forget election year.

His handlers are trying to play both sides of the fence. On all issues.


It’s all malarkey.

Want to know what biden is about?

Look at the last 3 years

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Where’d they get the M4’s?

Probably one of the M4’s left behind when biden cut and ran in Afgan.

In other words, random children and other civilian refugees are all treated as “Hamas terrorists” who deserve to die.

Extermination and expulsion of the entire civilian population is the goal of the Israeli government.

When Hamas quits hiding behind their women and children this sort of thing will not happen.


Yes, by that logic the 9/11 attacks hit legitimate military targets.

US commercial aircraft frequently carry US troops, and they can be easily converted to military use.

The World Trade Center was a communications hub and included a television transmitter. The center included offices of the federal government, which is an alleged sponsor of terrorist attacks around the world. Some of the thousands of occupants were undoubtably in the military or the reserves, and most of the others were open supporters of the US military.

Of course, the Pentagon is the main military command-and-control center with vast underground bunkers.

Ossama Bin Laden and Benjamin Netanyahu have been right all along . . .

No. :roll_eyes:

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If you randomly kill enough people, it is likely that some of them may have been a legitimate target. The rest are just collateral damage or “human shields”.

That has been the Israeli approach in Gaza. Even when there is zero evidence that an Israeli attack hit anything of military value, the IDF still blames the civilian deaths on Hamas since they have not surrendered and Palestinian civilians have not left Gaza.

Of course the US ignored Bin Laden’s warnings. If only Americans had surrendered and converted to Islam, the 9-11 attacks would never have occurred . . .

And when you target militants who deliberately hide behind women and children like Hamas does, you will kill a lot of random women and children. What’s your solution? … to not engage militants unless you catch them alone out in the open?


Do you have any evidence that Hamas is “deliberately hiding behind women and children”?

Massive civilian casualties are clearly not stopping the IDF from bombing the crap out of Gaza. If anything, Israel appears to be deliberately targeting the areas with highest concentration of civilians, so using “human shields” would be counterproductive.

The solution is for the US to stop supplying the weapons being used to kill civilians and to demand a ceasefire.