Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

He’s fighting the Chick-Fil-A Way in NY.

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The German Army had a similar policy of killing civilians in reprisal for partisan attacks on Germans in WW2.

There’s nothing similar about it, Israel is not trying to kill civilians.


Dude. Give it a rest already. I mean comparing the IDF to the nazis?

Get a grip.


Simple. Kidnapping and or killing Americans who reside in another country by militants of a third country is not an act of war by the third county against the United States.

Oh, and while 13+ Americans died in Afghanistan because of ineptness by Biden, it’s not the same as the two Americans killed in Yemen on the orders given by Obama.

Officially you are correct. Israeli reprisal policy is less transparent than that of German occupation forces in WW2.

Dropping 2000-lb bombs on a densely populated residential areas using the pretext that there may be a Hamas tunnel someplace is a recipe for maximizing civilian casualties as “collateral damage”. American tax dollars are at work!

And what of authoritarian right ?

One may deny such to be in existence from a libertarian POV possibly, where any authoritarianism may be considered to be of the left but by most conventional standards, it does exist.

However; kidnapping and/or killing civilians during a war is a war crime thereby elevating it to an act of war. Especially when the group who took and killed the hostages has overtly declared war upon that nation as hamas has.

They not only not targeting civilians, they are not rounding them up and killing them in retribution for dead Israeli soldiers. Bill has lost his mind. :neutral_face:


Here Bill, do an overlay.

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No Zippy, the war was instigated by the killing and kidnapping of hundreds of Israelis and a few people who were citizens of several other countries including the US, who were caught up in the action. There was no Israeli war with Hamas when that occurred.


Communist China has adopted a market economy, and it emphasizes nationalism. It is still a one-party dictatorship.

Is it now National Socialist? Does that make it right wing?

Let’s just start with acknowledging its existence before seeking examples. Is there such thing as a right-wing authoritarianism at all or is it made up ?

General Franco died in the 1970s.

Israeli leaders have repeatedly stated that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza. For example, here is what the President of Israel said back in October:

It is an entire nation out there that is responsible,” Herzog said at a press conference on Friday. “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”

The policy of dropping 2000-lb bombs on densely populated areas is consistent with retribution against an entire nation, and American taxpayers are footing the bill.

The entire action was an act of war against Israel.

During this act of war hamas committed further war crimes by not only targeting Israeli civilians but civilians of other nations.

Well, with upwards of 85% of Gazans supporting Hamas, they are probably right. For the last forty plus years in that part of the world, the difference between an innocent civilian and a terrorist is a gun or a rocket launcher.

And innocent children? Nits grow up to be fleas.


Correct … War against Israel … not against the US. And they didn’t target citizens of other countries, they targeted whoever was in their sights. Virtually every war in modern times has resulted in citizens from countries not engaged in the war becoming casualties. That is particularly true for Americans … who are everywhere.

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I was just thinking about that.
There was a slogan, ‘100 for one’.
.Let me tell you, it was a powerful deterant.

Very important difference.