Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

Hamas headquarters and operations in schools and maternity hospitals is not good enough for you? What are Hamas fighters even doing in Rafah? That city was designated as a safe zone for **civilians ** not as a place for them to flee with the women and children.

And why did Hamas take hostages on October 7th?


If Israel doesn’t complete the job, it reinforces the tactic of human shields as an effective terrorist tactic.

Free Palestine! Get Hamas out of there. Otherwise it will never be free.

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The IDF killed hundreds of civilians in its attacks in and around the al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza early in the invasion. They claimed that there was a Humas command headquarters under the hospital, but the IDF has never produced any real evidence to support that claim.

At this point all the Israelis need to do is claim that there could be a Hamas terrorist hiding someplace, and they are free to kill as many Palestinians as they want. The IDF even admitted recently that it has been running a telegram channel glorifying brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians:

So it turns out the IDF has been running a Telegram channel featuring homemade snuff films in which Gazans are brutally murdered by Israeli forces, captioned with celebrations of the gore and pain therein like “Burning their mother… You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear their bones crunch.” The IDF had previously denied any association with the channel, but Haaretz now reports that it was directly run by an IDF psychological warfare unit.

This is one of those many, many times where Israel is so awful that at first you’re not sure what you’re looking at. You think you must be misreading the report. Then you read it again and go “Oh wow, that’s SO much worse than I would have guessed.”

However bad you think Israel is, you can always be sure that information will come out later that proves it’s even worse.
However Bad You Think Israel Is, It's Worse

The response from Blinken and Biden has been to complain about the number of civilian deaths but to do nothing to stop the carnage.

Quote snipped to remove text walls and outright ■■■■■■■■■

So are you denying that Hamas, hell, pretty much EVERY Islamic terror groups do NOT use the tactics of setting up their headquarters, weapons caches, rocket launch sites, etc either right next to places like schools or hoapitals and hide within civillian groups???


No. I am saying that there needs to be real evidence that a particular school, hospital, or house is actually used by the military before the IDF declares it a free-fire zone.

It is well documented that Israelis hid weapons factories in tunnels among civilians when they were fighting the British.

Does that mean that the British should have used IDF-style tactics and slaughtered Israeli civilians?

Dude…70 years ago!!! You are using that?

Either that or they bought them off some African warlord.

They’re not exactly rare. We used to hand M16s out like candy during the Cold War if a country said they were anti-communist. That’s why Africa is full of both American and Soviet weapons and you can get a decent M16A1 for literally two chickens in Somalia.

We also have a really bad habit of leaving weapons behind when we leave a place. Afghanistan was the worst but it wasn’t the only time we did things like that. It’s just the worse though.

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Dude, the reason for Israel’s existence is based on making sure that events from 70+ years ago are “never again” repeated.

The sad irony is that the slaughter of civilians in Gaza has a lot of parallels with events from WW2.

I wonder how the tunnel flooding is going. Have you seen anything on that?

They did, and there was. You chose to dismiss it as IDF propaganda.

There’s no holocaust going on in Gaza.

The Nazis were murdering 50,000 people per day at the height of the Shoah. Even the Rwandan Genocide, with its lack of focus or almost no preparation, were killing 15,000 people per day at its height.

Israel ain’t no where close to that. If the goal is genocide, then they aren’t very good at it.

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That is your twisted logic having nothing to do with reality.

Maybe in your bizarro world, but not in the real world we live in.

You keep repeating that sick claim without one shred of evidence. What is your agenda?

Evidence-free official statements are worthless when they support official narratives.

The IDF showed two rifles that they claimed they found in a basement room. That does not amount to evidence of Hamas command and control center.

And it is a legitimate military target.

So, unless the IDF was able to raid a fully functional command center and capture high-level commanders in that command center, then it never existed?

Could it be that at the first sign of trouble the command center was sanitized and abandoned? Do you honestly believe the IDF would share every piece of sensitive intel with a hostile media?

Seriously? :crazy_face:

You naively assume that isn’t the case, simply because the IDF doesn’t provide the evidence to the public.

No it doesn’t.

Why are there any military weapons at all in a hospital? Why did the IDF have to battle Hamas for days in order to take over the hospital?