Is Roe V Wade going to be overturned?

Political Suicide

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What are they??

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Wrong thread man…


Interesting this is a funny situation to some. Whatever keep them going.

I believe it should be up to states legislation.

Now having said that I still don’t want anyone to have ultimate authority over my body…but that doesn’t mean those that uses abortion as a form of birth control aren’t slime…because they are.

If i close my eyes i can almost see margaret sanger typing your post.

What were her thoughts on the dregs of society again?? Who fit that profile??

You guys and your “women”.

I’m gonna need a definition.

yes, the histrionics are funny. the courts decision will not change one law that exists today

And another with the “women”.

Maybe we should just worry about “birthing people”.

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Meh- the issue has been superceded. Abortion pills and out of state services will be available to red state women. There will still be about the same amount of abortions. They will just happen differently.

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Yea I’m sure this won’t affect anything in an election year. Even most people who are personally pro life don’t want to see it banned. Enjoy catching this car.


Could make for a long trip for some in the future. I guess the NGOs will spread some more money around.

there may be a few bans, but not many

Tell the libs in here celebrating, but not once mentioning the innocent unborn this will potentially save.


Just read one analysis say no, this decision opens the door for congress to ban it federally.
Haven’t read the opinion though, so can’t comment further.

Also, gay marriage, interracial marriage, anything not specifically written in the constitution can now be limited.

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20-25 states.

Enlightening as always.

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Yeah thats the true pandoras box here. If there is no constitutional right to an abortion via privacy laws, then there is no constitutional preclusion for Congress banning it and penalties/punishment/jail time for having one. Very unlikely but…