Impeach Donald Trump

I’m not sure of the exact percentage myself, but I know I had voted straight down Republican from 1990 (which was the first election where I was eligible to vote) until 2016. Since conservatism has given way to Trumpism within the Republican party, I now identify myself as a conservative independent. Some republican candidates may still get my vote, but they are going to have to prove to me that they are conservative. I’m not voting for a Trump yes man (or woman).

But they’re not going to do so without SOME form of evidence against you.

It appears Trump read the poll #s incorrectly.

trump has shown that so called evangelicals are not interested in that actual basics of their religion when it comes to holding power.
they are willing to accept anything trump does as long as he can pay lip service to them.

he has unmasked evangelicals as nothing more than power hungry hypocrites

Have we ever had a president publicly bragging about approval polls 2 years into his term before? (even if they were actually something to ‘brag’ about?)

Republican politicians are talking about impeachment so much, apparently, to gin up some rage and support for Fat Donald.

I don’t know why conservative forumers around here are yammering about it endlessly.

I sure don’t want to go down that road.

Let this dumpster fire of a presidency burn for another couple years.

He started bragging about them far earlier than 2 years into his first term.

And no. Obama was referred to as “narcissist in chief” for FAR less.

WR already said that article was hogwash yesterday. :roll_eyes:

Well, of course.

So what you are saying is that Trump is Gods Will as it is written in Roman’s 9? Ok I understand that. Are you then saying that God also accepts or does not reject’s Trumps behavior toward others? God Willed for Trump to be elected in spite of his clear dislike of his opponents and despite that dislike he is doing the work that God wants to be done in this country?

Ok…I understand that if that is what you are asking me to understand. I will try to wrap my head around that. Not sure I can accept though the way he treats people as being God’s Chosen way. But I will try to see it for what you are saying. I can’t say it will change my thinking, because I won’t lie to you and say it will, but I will always try to understand another point of view.

I’m an atheist, I don’t actually believe any of this stuff. I was just talking about christian doctrine regarding suicide.

I have not left the Party. I am still a republican. I just did not vote for Trump. I will end up voting Republican again in the Fall unless there is a Libertarian Candidate That holds better stances on the positions in general. I have to admit that in some cases I am losing faith in the Republican Party to effectively lead, but that in no way means that I am going to magically vote democrat over republican.

I am going to vote for who I think will do the best job overall in leading the government both federally and state wide.

I know. I was commisseratin’.

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I replied to this post in the Religion forum.

Huh? You really believe that?

Unfortunately a lot of evangelicals fell for that one.

I don’t know if they fell for it as much as it makes a convenient excuse.

“Trump was brought to us by God”. -fat donald supporters.

It’s not our job to judge even if we believe our own house is in order, that’s Gods & his alone. He has a way of dealing with souls that try to be him!!!

And so so wrong as well.