Impeach Donald Trump

Thank you baby Jesus! Hallelujah!


Even if they impeached him, they make the mistake of thinking Trump is a unique phenomenon, when it’s a continuation of the same movement that gave US Reagan and the TP.

Plus, he still would not be going anywhere…

Hillary’s butt buddy, Lanny Davis, a hack from hell, is now changing what he said his client, Cohen said about Trump knowing about the Tower meeting.

On Hannity tonite, it was told that there was a spy that set Trump up. Mueller is looking pretty bad now too.

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You need to be careful abou touching God’s annointed.

The projectile, robotic, Trump haters, have such little grasp of reality, the are essentially soulless, empty husks.

He sincerely repented and asked for forgiveness too. The sincerity in repentance is the key.

I don’t see how anyone in their right mind can see much less say that Trump exemplifies anything good about Christianity.

What he has done and will continue to do to hold the majority of Christian voters is to keep promoting policies and legislation that Christians see as a positive for the country and their lives.

He’s been the staunchest defender of religious liberty the WH has seen in decades, the staunchest on pro life issues, and in appointing conservative judges. Those are all good for the Christian base.

He’s a horribly flawed human being and I don’t personally buy his being reborn but I can separate the man from the policies and legislation he supports and I’d like to think most Christians can as well.

Trump doesn’t “hold the majority of Christian voters.” Do you have any examples for the “staunch defense” of religion and pro-life issues?

Firstly, I agree that one should be able to compartmentalize a leader’s human flaws from their policies. It is, generally, a good skill.

But in the case of Trump, I would argue his mission is overwhelmingly anti-Christian. By that I don’t mean against Christians but against Christ’s teachings. In one specific area: divisiveness.

Donald Trump has built upon the cultural wedge opened by President Obama and driven a wild, lusty train through it. I have not seen America as culturally divided since the 1960’s. We now have many liberals and conservatives really believing the other is, literally, bad. Pure fiction. This is fundamentally unChristian and, in my opinion, the most consistently articulated message by Trump. ‘We are different’. ‘We are divided’. ‘They are bad, we are good’. UnChristian. And a policy that warrants change.

Trump won a majority of christian voters in 2016 and will again in 2020 barring something unforeseen.

Trump isn’t responsible for the divisiveness that has been purposely fueled by the left since he started running and they aren’t the least bit interested in seeking any common ground with him on anything so there’s nothing he can do to remedy it short of selling out the people who elected him completely.

Disappointed, Rose, that you, of all people, are laying today’s problems at the feet of one side only.

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We’re only talking about one side of the issue. You laid it at the feet of Trump ignoring everything else.

Trump wasn’t sowing division in the country when he was running, he ran on the strongest pro American Agenda we’ve seen in decades.

The divide began with all of the baseless accusations of racism over border security and illegal immigration and went straight to hell from there.

I see. I think you missed my line about Obama.

Holy, moly.

I did, but Trump never attempted to use such a cultural wedge.

Take all of the baseless accusations of racism and treason out of the equation and where would we be today in this country?

Well, Rose, I emphatically disagree with you on this one. Trump is a battering ram of cultural divisions. And he’s good at it.

List them.

With drivel like that you are barely worth responding to, except as a good bad example.

I am sorry that you are drowning in a conversation that is over your head.

Oh dear. Call me avoiding but the list is too long for me tonight. I’ll just say here is a word for you: holistic. America and Americans are essentially a great big one of a great big many. It is difficult, challenging and, ultimately, beautiful. Those, such as you, who artfully and passionately defend an Americans right to bear arms, are equally American as those who kneel during the National Anthem. A real leader would try to unify our great, diverse peoples, by overlooking personal beliefs in the understanding we are stronger and better unified in difference than seeking unity in sameness. If you believe Trump is trying to do that then I will respectfully disagree.

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