Impeach Donald Trump

That was one horribly failed punt recovered in your own the end zone.

Perhaps, but I know you agree, Rose.

In the same way there are no atheists in foxholes, neither are there conservatives and liberals. The same with fireman, EMT, police, ER physicians and just about everyone else. Uber partisanship is, in my view, a perverted view of Americans stoked by a lucrative, obscenely powerful two party system that has learned division is better for the coffers than unity.

Conservatism is a philosophy, it is not a party or partisan issue.

The truth is you can’t list off the ways in which Trump has intentionally divided Americans because they don’t exist.

The left has just gone full tilt out of their minds since he got the nomination and their entire platform is one built of lies about racism and accusations of treason.

It doesn’t get more divisive than that and Trump hasn’t’ been responsible for either.

Sorry, Rose, not going to list them.

I could start with Trump calling the kneeling NFL’ers ‘sons of bitches’ and end with Trump saying a respected judge couldn’t be impartial because he’s ’ Mexican’. But clearly you don’t see such comments as divisive so let’s end this one. You wanna say I tapped out? Fine.

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If that’s the best you can come up with no wonder you didn’t want to make a list.

Spoiled millionaires have been called much worse and there would have been no divisiveness at all without their protesting during the National Anthem.

Trump didn’t begin that.

The crack about the judge was stupid but again, came long, long after all the baseless allegations of racism over border enforcement and immigration. He didn’t begin that either, not even close.

Question. Serious one. If I regurgitated a very long list of Trump’s divisive comments, would it make any difference to you? At all? I enjoy dialogue and you and I have had some good ones, finding grudging and even enthusiastic agreement at times. But on this one? Nope. I’ll spend a long time dredging up his comments, you’ll bat them away or excuse them, and we’ll have had no movement. Now maybe movement isn’t your goal in dialogue, but it is mine… Otherwise we’re just soapboxing. Too old to soapbox, Rose, and legs get tired doing so.

Giving him a list is a fool’s errand.

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You come up with any in which he actually generated the divisiveness and I’ll recognize it as such.

\There are people in this very thread who are defending his alleged Christian faith.

I agree with the rest of what you have said, even I have said when Trump has done things I agree with.

But on a personal level I will always oppose him.

On a personal level I will never have anything good to say about him either.

I’m simply capable of divorcing myself from my emotions and examining the facts for what they are.

If he’s a Christian at all, he’s a very flawed one but in the eyes of God all sinners are sinners and we all have a lot to answer for.

He goes out of his way to be divisive… for example wading in to the NFL anthem controversy, not to mention his behavior since John McCain passed away.

The country was becoming quite polarlized before Trump. But he poured gas on the fire and dialed it up to 11.

The division was already deep over the kneeling before he ever weighed in on it.

Nothing Trump does relative to McCain will be given anything resembling a fair evaluation by the hate mongers.

He sent a nice message personally to the family the night McCain died and had nothing but praise for him today.

He’s still wrong.

I’m pretty much in agreement with you here. He can 't keep his mouth shut about anything, including the NFL which is a private enterprise and by wading in he’s made the situation much worse.

You are wrong about the kneeling. By the time Trump waded in, the protests were almost over. Only a handful of players were still doing it.

But after Trump started tweeting and calling them SOBs, suddenly a whole bunch of players protested, including the entire Cowboys team and their owner.

He brought it on himself.

He thrives on controversy and dividing people. He proves it almost daily with his twitter feed.

He’s done a lot of damage to law enforcement, all but calling them a bunch of political hacks not interested in the truth but in having a successful “witch hunt”. Mueller was a highly regarded FBI man until Trump started smearing him and his minions followed suit.

He calls his opponents and critics childish names. He got into a very public fight with a Gold Star family, and mocked a war hero.

It’s really very easy to think of examples of how Trump has divided people, not brought them together.

I’m not wrong in the least, we’d already had a whole season of contravention over it.

This is so ridiculous. He did the bare minimum when McCain died by sending coldolences to the family. Not a word about the man himself.

He raised the flag and only lowered it after a lot of pressure, undoubtedly by Sanders and Kelly, and perhaps others. And “having nothing but praise for him today”? That came hours after he had been heavily criicized. (which he earned) and said very little compared to what many others, including Obama, said about McCain.

Yeah well you will never admit to being wrong, but the fact is the protests had died right down, and then went into overdrive after Trump tweeted and called them SOBs and said they should be fired.

How do you expect they should have reacted?

There’s nothing ridiculous about it at all. Nothing he could have done or said on the subject would not come without the same criticisms from people like yourself.

The protests were ongoing throughout. The division was already sown, he didn’t start it.

He threw gas on the fire. That’s beyond dispute.

He so angered them that even Jerry Jones, whom I’m quite sure is not a Democrat, in kneeling with his team.

The NFL is a private enterprise and it’s none of his business to suggest players be fired. Plus whether we agree or disagree with the protests, the players have as much right as anyone else to peaceful protest.

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