Impeach Donald Trump

In other words, a normal, reasonable American.

Sure. That’s where the repent part comes in.

A whole lot of people are under the misconception that indeed according to Christian theology all that is required is the “I’m sorry” on the way out.

I’m just pointing out that’s definitely not the case.

If it were people could gain salvation after intentionally leading a life of sin and no attempt whatsoever at being faithful counting on such an exit strategy.

Look to the top right of the politics page and click on + New Topic


Duck doesn’t need defenders, what he needs is to be able to take what he dishes out.

But hey, I can’t stop you from haunting me, nor would I if I could, I have had people correcting me and mocking me and insulting me since the day I signed in to the first time back on February 15th 2005.

So have fun. I am human, I do make plenty of mistakes, and guess what is more, I own up to them. I get embarrassed, I get a chuckle, I move on. I don’t run and hide from the people that ding me, or laugh at my fumbles. I don’t put their names on some vaunted “ignore ban” list. No, I keep engaging with them and I keep working at not making mistakes; keeping the contact with those who correct me helps me to be keener and stay sharper.


Woo Hoo!

Bring it on!


That isn’t a stupid question. It took me some poking around until I spotted that New Topic button WildRose pointed out in the upper right hand corner.

For the longest time I didn’t realize we had had the “edit” feature restored. That came to my attention when someone berated me for leaving my fumbled fingered posts, I had made on my cell phone, unedited while I was complaining about not being able to edit my posts.

It was like “Oh” with a very red face.


I understand what you are saying here, but remember the thief on the cross. Jesus told him he was forgiven.

This to me is absolute proof that even the most vile sinners can be forgiven in their last moments of life if they are truly sorry for what they did.

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I do find it astonishing that someone like Trump is held up as an example of Christianity. He’s done more to discredit it lately than anyone I can think of.

Just the most recent example was how the WH wanted to release a statement praising John McCain for his sacrifice for his country and being such a war hero, and Trump apparently killed it. How is that an example of how Christians are supposed to act?

He hold grudges. He praises the most unlikely of characters simply because they praised him.

His attitude towards McCain speaks volumes about his character and how he puts himself first… always.


I agree with everything you posted.

I have been checking to see if there was at least a more comprehensive statement on the passing of Senator John McCain on the current official White House website, the following response is all that I can find: “Your search - Senator John McCain - did not match any documents.”

That is so very sad.

It’s absolutely dreadful. There is NO excuse. Sure, McCain was very critical of Trump, but Trump gave the worst insult he possibly could when he said " I like people who haven’t been captured".

That is disgusting and cowardly for someone who said avoiding STDs was his “own personal Vietnam”.

Even if McCain had started the feud first, people expect a President to act like an adult and express condolences when someone has passed away. But not Trump.

He’s just sickening. And it’s no wonder so many conservatives are leaving the R party, the party of Trump.


How many Cons are leaving the party, Jo? I think you listen to to much fake news.

Donald Trump is as much of a devout Christian as I am the King of New New Guinea.

Don’t know how accurate that is, but it sounds credible to me. There are lots of conservatives besides me, such as @NebraskaFootball @wonderingrover and @Konssurvative1 Who will agree with me, and that’s just on this forum.


Elevating Donald Trump to be leader of the Republican Party was the last straw for me.

It was the last move of the party away from where I stood.

They had finally Left me out with that one.

The icing on that goodbye cake came with Donald’s New Year’s Eve 2016 tweet defining me and all those like me to be his enemies.

It is nothing less than astonishing that Trump supporters are peddling the story that Trump is a Christian. He demonstrates on almost a daily basis that he’s the exact opposite of how a Christian is supposed to act.

Buncha libs,

If anything the man is a devout Capitalist and an opportunist. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could start life off with a few million dollars? Just another in a long line of people in government who don’t really represent people like us.

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It’s so difficult for Christians today to understand about salvation.

Here’s my take. In the beginning God created Adam & Eve. It was intended for them to "pro create & live forever on earth.

However, Eve was swayed by the serpent to do the only thing they were told not to do. She ate of the “forbidden tree”.

Then Eve, as we all know gave Adam of the forbidden fruit. “The woman thou gave me did beguile me & I did eat”.

Then Adam & Eve were cast out of the garden. God had intended for man to start from the garden & the human race was to live forever.

From then on man became more & more immoral, sinning with every type sin imaginable. Even Lot from Sodom & Gomorrah tried to find enough righteous people for God to spare these two cities.

Lot couldn’t find even one righteous, so God destroyed the cities. Of course we get our word “sodomy” from that story.

All thru the Bible God found a way of escape from hell fire for His creation. Jesus would be in the lineage Abraham & his son Issac. Yet God told Abe. to take his beloved son up on a mountain & present him a sacrifice.

Abe. did as God said & took his son there. As Abe. had the knife almost to Issac, God told him “do your son no harm”. Then an animal came along, so Abe. used that animal as a sacrifice to the Lord.

IOW, all thru the Bible God made a way for man to escape hell. Abe., the Bible says “had faith & it was accounted unto him for redemption”. I call it being saved “on credit because of the coming Messiah”.
Any Jew that believes in Jesus is saved that way.

God for many years actually killed many men. However, when His Son came the killing was over. All any man had to do is believe in Jesus to be spared hell. Amen.

So do all of us, Jo.

One of these three you named IMO has never posted even one Con word here.