If This Is A War Then Declare The Draft

Do you mean to say you aren’t hoarding beer? :flushed:

Hmmmmm. Or will the Bank of China be closed for a while?

this post has no point. again. just aimless ranting.

making fun of waiters? lol

sorry bud

wars arent cheap

especially when they shut the economy down

arent you glad you have a government who will help you through this?

And people shouldn’t fight them without a wage


“pay me for sitting on my ass”

sounds like union

The government forced them on their ass.

If the government used eminent domain on your land, wouldn’t you expect to get paid?

this isn’t eminent domain

this is multi-level government mandated social distancing

if you were alive during ww2 i bet youd demand to paid for not buying butter

It’s an interesting arguement, the government has indeed shut down work for a lot of people. Seems they want to get them a paycheck as well.


People are out of work because of it, thus not getting paid. Why don’t you want them to get paid for what the government FORCED them to do?

just because govmnt requires you to do something doesnt mean you are entitled to other people’s money

You like government forcing you not to have an income, and forcing you out of your job to fight a “war” without pay? Wow.

Party of small government my ass

Tell that to Trump. He’s gonna sign a bill soon. :rofl:

Comparing losing 100% of your income by government force to not buying butter

2+2=4 not -6

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I’m sure all staunch, fiscally conservative Republicans will refuse to cash their checks.

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Hey, that’s me! I’ll be getting pad for that exact thing.

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i didnt say i liked that.

post more equations!

did he write the bill?

no they’ll cash them and pay their mortgages

not enough for the left though

Are you sure you don’t have any moonlight gigs?