If This Is A War Then Declare The Draft

did he write the bill?

no they’ll cash them and pay their mortgages

not enough for the left though

Are you sure you don’t have any moonlight gigs?

The more they shell out, the faster I’ll have my paramotor. It’s a good time to survive an apocalyptic plague.


Although I agree with you there are a lot of people pretty much out of a job right now. No money coming in for a long period of time can be disastrous.

i didnt make any such comparison

you create fiction in every post, sometimes loosely based on what you read

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I am hoping those that are hoarding are using their credit cards to do so. That way they are actually paying 3 times as much or more for what they are hoarding.

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i know

this all sucks

At the order of the government.

Apparently 100% of your income belongs to the government, according to cons here

LOL, I’m sure. I don’t work overtime when offered, I’m certainly not going to moonlight.

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That’s funny

Who knew cons would be cool with government forcing people to not work without remission

“can you believe how big the deficit is going to be this year?!”

from same brain:

“we should be paid to do nothing”

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who said cons are “cool” with that?

We get it. You’re cool with big government ordering business to shut down without pay or remission.

let’s try to be serious

Wait. So you’re not cool with business and employers not being paid? Make up your mind

We should be paid replacement wages if the government is forcing us not to leave our house and to not have jobs

Do you understand the meaning of force?

I guess we are slaves to big government ehh?

[quote=“armycowboy, post:80, topic:228901”]

So they’re cool with getting other people’s money?

How far should we take that? Should every business be paid for revenue loss?