If This Is A War Then Declare The Draft

Speaking of Wal-Mart. They appear to be going the extra half mile to compensate their workers for this period of panic.


Target and Amazon are doing the same.

They are doing the right thing.

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The joke will be the availability of TP at yard sales and pop ups for pennies on the dollar. The big chains have already made to clear there will not be returning of paper products.


Oh…the official Chinese outlet is attempting to buy goodwill, eh?

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I spent my entire 401k on toilet paper

That may be the funniest thing about this whole corona saga. :sunglasses:

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Safeway is giving everybody a two dollar raise.

It’s non perishable as long as they store it properly. My first father in law who was born in 1902 and remembered the depression well kept an entire closet full of TP.

WoW! Some good news. I never expected to hear that.

Here’s the problem. The President won’t do this. Nancy doesn’t want it. Ditto for Chucky. And Biden doesn’t know what he wants. So good luck with your draft!



It’s amazing what some people will overlook to score partisan ■■■■■■■■ points.

bring up the draft when the bars are closed?

Just give $5000 to your neighbor for staying home and he can give you $5000 for staying home. There, youve been paid.


hey we deserve more than that for waging war on a virus by sitting on our fat asses in the house

by golly the govmt owes us big time, because they drafted us, or should, or something


They could pay for everybody’s college with the GI Bill.

Two birds. :upside_down_face:

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ooh good idea!

then when people complain of being overweight they can go to the VA and claim PTSD.

2+2 = 4 baby


I love how being forced by the government to not work means you are “sitting on your fat ass” and not owed anything by the people forcing you to not work.

But I guess that’s the disdain for the poor and middle class that’s seen so much in conservative circles.

Oh, btw, Trump’s going to run a $2trillion+ deficit this year and the Feds gonna prop up the banks. But keep making fun of those waiters. Stay classy.

Trump isnt paying for any of it. We are going to run $2trillion+ deficit this year. Weird, how ya’ll don’t seem to care about that anymore

I said poor and middle class. Many in the middle class are highly paid. But thanks for the desperate cherry pick.

Did you read the part about the draft?