Why isn't the private sector capable of saving itself?

Not all of them plus most public schools are online now. Not to mention there’s plenty of free education online for them to bootstrap.

sending businesses money to provide relief is not communism or socialism, so add that to the thread fail list.

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Weren’t you saying paying people to not work is stupid in the draft thread? Why should we be paying business owners who are shut down?

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all businesses in country arent just like yours. that’s what

If giving out food stamps or welfare is socialism then so is corporate welfare

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Sounds like someone is utilizing a double standard



because helping business owners who had to shut down is not paying them not to work

see how easy?

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Wait. If you’re shut down, how are you working?

that’s not what the relief bill does


Has the stock market been consistently going back up this week?


they will be working to rebuild their business

my gawd

Sure it is


3M started increasing their production of masks before September 30. The CDC produces no masks.

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So until they can open open again, we should pay them for money lost?

Pesky facts

Yes…but it would have gone up anyway at some point once it bottom out.

Goverment also played a large role in reason why it dropped so fast in first place.

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awe look how you are attempting to turn the argument to match your idiotic narrative

it’s relief for them to maintain/restart the business. not communism

go do some research

while youre at it maybe see what pet pork projects democrats are slipping in.


Sounds like government needs to subsidize health insurance and education for all the laid off workers to help them get back on their feet, yes?

that is not a fact

it’s an idiotic narrative

It’s weird, it looked like it bottomed out at late Obama-era numbers.

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