If a Democrat was president now and was acting like Trump, would R's be trying to impeach him/her?

Horse hockey, it means it’s nothing more than a witch hunt and Mueller is just trying to justify his appointment and expenses.

Mueller has gone so far beyond his constitutional authority he should be sued in court and shut down.

Only US atty’s can appoint assistant US atty’s and US atty’s must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate.

This “investigation” was launched supposedly as an intelligence probe, not a criminal investigation with unlimited scope and authority much less one with no oversight.

It was more yours than mine, since I never said it.

You guys are acting like Chicken Little with all the “witch hunt” crap.

Of course you did.

I agree the firing wasn’t going to stop the investigation, but it sure picked up the pace. Why did Trump even bring up the Russia investigation. My comment about the “no there there” is pretty elementary. Firing Comey and saying it was related to the Russia scandal put everyone on notice what he was up to – stopping the investigation. That’s not hard to see. I’m curious what you think is wrong about that.

It’s the accurate term. Do I need to post the definition for you?

He couldn’t find the evidence to support what he was supposed to be investigating so he’s desperately trying to hang everyone he can on perjury hoping to get someone to try to save themselves by fabricating a story to incriminate or get Trump impeached.

This isn’t new for Mueller either. Look at his prior track record.

If only stupidity was a criminal offense.

“Firing Comey and saying it was related to the Russia scandal” … I wasn’t expressing an opinion. Trump said that. And I would pretty much guarantee that’s something that Mueller’s looking at.

He’s trying to get to the truth. Why are you afraid of what Trump may say if you think he didn’t do anything? If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to worry about.

Your own quote doesn’t support that claim. That was your assertion, not his.

Truth my ass.

He’s said repeatedly Trump is neither a subject nor the target of an investigation so then what truth is it he’s seeking?

This isn’t true. Trump is a subject. He’s not a target. It’s never been said “Trump is not a subject” of the investigation.

Trump a subject. Trump not a subject. Collusion. No collusion.

To me these are valid discussions but dwarfed by the greater reality: clearly there is something ‘rotten in the state of Denmark’, and the investigation should be allowed to play out.

Unless of course one doesn’t trust Mueller…or the DOJ…or the FBI…or the press…or the judiciary…or the elections commissions…etc…etc…etc…

If that’s the case, then fruitful discussion will end where that mistrust begins.


Clearly. Oftentimes where there are great billowing clouds of laundered ruble smelling smoke coming from a pack of two bit grifters, there is a fire.

As i already told you, i don’t think what he said means what you think it does.

Obama put his legacy on the line and lost to Trump, welcome to reality.

Clinton was in office when he committed his act and he lied about it.

No they didn’t. “People” can’t impeach.

Extrajudicial murder of citizens

Were impeachment charges brought?

Obama persecuted a reporter.