If a Democrat was president now and was acting like Trump, would R's be trying to impeach him/her?

even thought the answer is an honest , no, you would never ever get them to say that .democrats are people that have been indoctrinated with a belief system that forces them to be in a “Group”. they have nearly Zero common sense . that cannot play the tape forward for more than a few seconds. it is a shame. it came from our public school system . they were taught to use collective conscience rather than their own intellect. these people are more worried about being in a cushy , inclusive political party rather than making sure that there is going to be security, safety and most important liberty for their grand children when the time comes. collages have "coping rooms " for crying out loud !! get real ! read the deliberate dumbing down of America . non fiction and very disturbing

Trump said it first.

We can agree to disagree.

A Democrat wouldn’t be acting like Trump - lowering taxes, securing the border, dismantling the evil Obama legacy, dealing with N. Korea, cancelling Obama’s rotten Iran deal, calling out racist NFL players for their rotten protest and the league for backing it.


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I have no idea what you’re talking about.

There is no “sign of collusion”.

If Clinton had been elected we would be in a shooting war right now.

I didn’t support your point.

Not for what he did before he was President. Your comparison to Trump in sexual harassment failed.

Explain, please.

Is the left still carrying a grudge over our impeaching Bill Clinton and stealing the elections from Al Gore?

Explain what?

Ok, then if he’s not a target what is the point and why is Mueller doing everything he possibly can to get someone to come up with something, anything that will result in his impeachment or prosecution/

Then produce the quote. So far you haven’t and i strongly suspect that’s because it doesn’t exist but give it your best shot.

because that means anything to trump

He’s trying to get to the bottom of the investigation and clear all the cobwebs.That’s what an investigation is all about.

This is from earlier in this thread. Please don’t say you didn’t see it.

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Hogwash, he’s not even looking at anything related to “Russian Collusion” or “Russian Interference”. Damn man, look at the indictments, they have absolutely nothing at all to do with any issue related to national security.

And again it doesn’t support your claim, it says nothing about the Russian investigation or where the “pressure” is coming from.

There was a tremendous amount of pressure coming from both the right and the left to fire Comey relative to both the Clinton Email investigation and Russian investigation along with the misconduct of those beneath him.

Publicly, Trump has been identified as a subject of the investigation, not a target. You said he had been identified as not a target or a subject, which is wrong.

Subjects of an investigation become targets all the time, and with the Mueller team being as tight lipped as they have been that progression might have already been made.