If a Democrat was president now and was acting like Trump, would R's be trying to impeach him/her?

Some on these boards wanted to impeach Obama for putting Dijon mustard on a hamburger.

No. Rather broad rushing.

I think it’s pretty clear now that trump is at least guilt of obstrution of Justice. I dont think he’ll pay a price though. Not with the dishonest Fox News, fickle republicans, and supporters who have completely abandoned reality.

Yep, he certainly was identified as a subject. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone could forget that. This is the way fake news is born.

Do you have a degree in constitutional law, have you reviewed the evidence against Trump? I’m guessing no to both so what do you base your opinion on?

Yes, the indictments so far haven’t been collusion. But not national security? Money laundering?

And we don’t know everything Mueller has. He’s digging and digging.

I disagree. The fact he even had to make the statement shows Russia played a role.

well sure they do…but you need to keep up the lie…

No, I just have a functioning brain that can understand the words that come out of that fools mouth. He admitted it.

Trump pushed the Birther BS well past it being proven false.

Yes, he did.

Thanks for the good laugh with that question, OP.