I see the Brits are behaving more and more like China each passing day

Name one law I promoted, one regulation I’ve promoted in over 12 years here at Hannity land. Name em.

Don’t count using goverment bureaucracy going after libs…I’m using that to teach you guys a lesson. Then maybe…just maybe after receiving a taste of your own medicine you will join me in this fight to weaken that bureaucracy…but I highly doubt it.

Libs can’t learn.

Farage was not the founder of Brexit. Whatever that means? If you mean UKIP Farage had nothing to do with the creation of that party.

Tommy Robinson is a racist piece of crap and was sentenced to 10 months for contempt of court. He defied a court order preventing reporting on the specific trials that he posted a video of.

The fact you always speak so highly of Robinson is quite telling.

You have time and time again shown your complete ignorance of British culture, politics and legal system But please carry on.

He was arrested for filming/reporting outside of a court house.

Are you admitting something to us?

You openly call for the Democratic party to be barred from elections.

no he wasn’t.
you can read his arrest warrant to see why he was arrested.

You’re full of ■■■■■

I’m not the one calling the Democrat the enemy of American people, and if they win an election all your freedoms will be gone.

You call for the complete authoritarian control of the government by Republican because your scared of Democrats.

You voted for trump. Now you want to parse because you know you are full of it.

Yes I voted for Trump…specially after advocating him throughout the primary.

And I’m going to vote for him again in 2020.

So he can get 2 maybe 3 more SCOTUS picks.

Whatever it take to prevent YOU and your kin from power. We as a nation cannot afford or allow you to abuse that goverment power again.

And hopefully if and when you do gain power…federal bureaucracy has been gutted.

Thank you for proving my point…too easy

If only you had a point.

snicker seriously conan how long you going to keep this game going on this board. You post something, get called out and then retreat a little with a little more vague comment…going round and round, saying people are wastes of time and have no point etc…because they dont get your vague predictions.

See unlike other people i want you to get what you want. Because i know your policies are terrible. They always have been. You and talk radio have run on the policy of fear, of punching liberals. We saw this with the ACA, your saving grace right now are the courts…

Which if you take a moment and think about is really deep with irony. Once again we find ourselves with the right projecting what they are really, and always have been. Authorians. Thats what you are. You are gonna see possibly the banning of abortion and gay marriage. The bigotry of the right towards gays and trans with using the first amendment.

then we have tariffs, killing people ( figuratively)…Pork is next to take a hit, these other nations are hurting trumps voters in the pocket. You know something they care about.

You dont have the nation either on immigration, Trump went to far. Why? because him and his supporters are too stupid.

But no, somehow through all this somehow you know better…all you have is a good messaging machine…thats it


You type all this out and yet you farther off the mark then ever before.
My position hasn’t change one bit. I believe in minimal goverment…and when I say minimal I mean minimal.

That’s something you haven’t figured out after all these years. I don’t want the religious right in power anymore then your radical left-wing extremist.

I don’t want goverment having power to manipulate or abuse their positions…unlike you libs. But for some reason libs can’t seem to get it through their heads that goverment by the very nature of human greed and lust for power makes goverment dangerous.

So stop thinking you’re different then everyone else, you’re not.

Me, I know my weakness…that same weakness lays in all of us.

But again libs are special…They believe their above it all.

I say BS.

Ummm you do realize England doesn’t have the same free speech laws that the US does right?

I ask because your post seems to imply you think they do or should and that isn’t how the world works.

I am not sure how you can assert a right that doesn’t exist has been denied.

Just a couple of questions.

Where are you on abortion?

Where are you on marijuana?

I don’t believe in abortions…but I don’t want to give goverment the power to rule our bodies…and I’m a guy.

Same thing with same sex marriage…but goverment must remain neutral at all times. No exceptions.

As for pot…knock yourself out.

Just in another thread I saw one of the more prominent trolls on this forum say he didn’t care what two consenting adults did, and yet on the old forum said that marriage was between a man and a women and doesn’t support SSM not the right of a women to choose what happens with their body.

These are the things that keep me from generally voting for candidate on the right. I have and still do but only when they don’t take authoritarian social stances and they often tend to do and then have the audicity to accuse the other side of.

As much as I think some of your posts here are rediculous, this one is fantastic, and has earned a modicum of respect from me.