I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

Doesn’t look like the nurses who quit over this are going to be punished, quite the opposite.

More likely to get a substantial raise.

What’s the duration of vaccine immunity? More or less than having had covid already?

It appears immunity following both vaccinations is unknown:

However, those undergoing the vaccination tended to have more mild symptoms, unlike many unvaccinated, who tend to be the bulk of patients in ICU with this new form of an old virus.

So, the unvaccinated who have recovered from covid are not higher risk than the vaccinated. Any mandate should reflect that fact.

I don’t understand why you are raising objections with me.

Let me repeat myself:

“I simply stated what they believe. What they are saying. (“They”, being people arguing against the vaccine.)”

I am not defending their arguments. I am not saying I agree with them.

If you’re to take this stance, then you cannot logically accept a religious exemption, or any exemption that still puts the patient at risk. Viruses don’t care about exemptions.

Speaking of exempt, in Oregon medical personnel, police and fire fighters are exempt from being force vaccinated. Probably other states as well.

The same way when people who have had COVID only need to have one Phizer or Moderna shot instead of two to be considered “fully vaccinated.”

To prove someone had one or two shots of a vaccine, you could check their vaccination card.

How is that the same as pricing someone had covid?

So what’s the problem?


How do you prove someone had covid? There is no covid card. Moving forward you could do that, but I thought we were talking about people infected previous to today.

By testing for antibodies.

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m I wrong in thinking that is not 100%?

I have an employee who tested positive for covid and then negative for antibodies 3 months later.

He is suffering long covid symptoms, so his docs are sure he had it. But his antibodies say no.

There are many false positive tests … upwards of 5%. Testing for antibodies, while not perfect, is far more accurate, but it takes some time for them to develop in your body.

And … there are many illnesses that produce Covid like symptoms. The fact is, I have had several of them for years since before Covid ever existed.

Having covid ad testing negative is a false negative.

Again, how do you prove you had covid?

Anti-vaxxers may as well vaccinate themselves against Rhabdoviridae virions.

Yes, false negative tests also occur.

I don’t understand your question. I already gave you my answer.

So people who test false negative are just out of luck? Ok.

It’s not about luck, it’s about the limitations of science to be more accurate for that particular test.

Why are you taking this so personally?

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Yet many worked the past year and a half with no vaccine and people kissed their asses and sang their praises. Now those same people want to kick them to the curb.

Seems to me they are making the right choice by choosing not to treat those people who so easily discard them when they don’t bend the knee to others who insist they obey.

I’ve pointed out the illogic of religious exemption.

The state of New York offers medical exemption to COVID-19 vaccination.

The maternity unit employees neither accepted the vaccine nor showed that medical exemption.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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