I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

A handful of states allow so called philosophical exemptions:

It appears the majority allow for medical exemptions only. Here is protocol for seeking an exemption from COVID-19 vaccination:

I wonder did those nurses who quit en masse seek a medical exemption, or if this is philosophical nonsense.

Having given it some thought, there are some health care workers I’d rather pay for the dole than have the average patient’s health insurance pay their salary. I see these workers’ screw ups on a regular basis.

And it’s obvious they don’t prioritize hanging onto a job. These nurses had the option to get a vaccine, or seek a medical exemption, and they opted out of either.

Really. I’m at the point of my life where I’ve invested so much time in my field, and, at over 50, it would be more difficult to find something at the same pay grade.

Only a tiny percentage of my workload involves any internet search, but if a boss told me to get off Google, I’d stop typing so fast you’d hear me all tge way in Oklahoma. I’ve got to remain employed.

These nurses didn’t prioritize remaining employed and would probably screw up an opportunity at a minimart. Let them work from home on a nurse hotline (these services actually are very useful for assistance and avoidance of unnecessary in person visits). Or be supported by their spouses, or, yes, by the taxpayers.

With an increasing number of OB/GYN practitioners going GYN only, & certain services that serve no therapeutic purpose being pushed, pregnant patients were already getting a kick in the teeth before this hospital was closed as an option to give birth. As said by another poster, they should at least not feel entitled to their former positions.

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Didn’t say there weren’t.

I support exceptions being treated the same as vaccinated persons for the same time periods (because a lot of people are ignoring the protection wanes for BOTH the vaccine and those having caught COVID).

#1 Medical exemption for a defined medical condition verified by a Doctor with written diagnosis and clear statement of vaccine contraindication. Such data mush be entered into the same database where vaccine administration was tracked. nputs can be indefinite for ongoing medical conditions or short term with a defined end date for transitory medical conditions.

#2 Those that have had been infected with COVID and survived who provide a doctors statement clearly indicating that COVID was present and defines the test procedure and date. Such data mush be entered into the same database where vaccine administration was tracked.

#3 Religious exemption. If the individual has received a religious exemption from previous vaccine requirements and applies for a COVID vaccine exemption, perfectly fine. If the individual has a history of taking vaccines and is abusing the religious exemption to game the system, it should be denied.



The problem is irrelevant if they quit. Their reasoning doesn’t matter if they’re no longer on the payroll.

The hospital shouldn’t be giving ultimatums to people they can’t afford to lose. That means any problem they encounter as a result is on them, and solely on them. That’s the strict meaning of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I don’t know about you, but unless I have a close, friendly, and respectable relationship with my employer, I don’t consider the consequences to them as a result of my resigning. The place can burn for all I care. I suspect it’s the same with nurses, and any other people working for big operations.

Rereading my link,

Six workers in the maternity unit resigned to avoid COVID-19 vaccination.

NY state law allows medical exemption to COVID-19 vaccination:

Most likely a pregnant or nursing mother worker, examples presented by a previous poster, would qualify.

Nobody has come forward here and presented a link as to why any of the COVID-19 vaccinations, or how, they are unsafe.

If these nurses are philosophically or religiously opposed, how did they even get to college, much less through it? Two year junior colleges as well as four year schools require either proof of MMR vaccination or a lab report of antibodies due to previous exposure.

Nursing programs may require a three part Heptovax B series as accidental needlestick or other break in the skin are wonderful ways to test positive for Hepatitis B exposure. Some individuals actually require a booster shot after #3 as they don’t produce the required antibodies.

Did all of these suddenly anti-vax individuals squak about those requirements? They sound like hypocrites looking for an excuse to quit. At least they can’t claim one dime of UI for voluntary termination.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope this hospital finds nurses who are willing to meet their requirement, or have a medical exemption, to fill these half dozen open positions.

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If they quit I doubt they’re too worried about unemployment. But it could also be because NY won’t pay it out for being fired for that reason. Just because NJ does doesn’t mean NY does.

I simply stated what they believe. What they are saying. (“They”, being people arguing against the vaccine.)

You are trying to do to me what you are doing to zantax. I cannot speak for those who espouse those positions. I can only relate here what some of them are saying.

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Would you rather have unvaccinated nurses delivering babies?

Or treating immunocompromised patients?

Administering chemo to patients who can’t take the vaccine?

Because that’s the alternative.

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Not sure why you saw the need to post this here. :man_shrugging:

Depends, have they already had covid and recovered and therefore have better immunity than people who only have the vaccine? I prefer those over the vaccinated.


How would you prove they had covid?

How long does natural immunity last?

Vaccinated nurses can have Covid too. Unvaccinated nurses can also not have Covid.

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Hahaha. seriously?

The only exemption in New York is medical and apparently none of these nurses have shown it.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Before this thread, I was open to those who maybe had a wait and see attitude, or had objections to it as a newer vaccination.

Seeing the OP data & her experiences with patients whose problems aren’t of their own doing turned away—heck I got turned away from an urgent care clinic, & I was not only fully masked & vaccinated, but what I wanted could have been handled at the front desk, which protects the receptionist with a barricade—I’m all for states mandating COVID-19 vaccinations, or presentation of a doctor’s proof of medical exemptions, with the only other option being job loss & $0.00 in Unemployment Insurance.

They’re hypocrites anyway. How many of those conscientious quitters squawked about proof of MMR immunization or immunity? Hepatitis B? The yearly TB screening even health care workers who don’t work directly with patients, like lab techs, must undergo, unless one test is positive for exposure?

They’re probably silent about those requirements. Hope the door doesn’t hit ‘em in the arse on the way out.

It appears vaccinated individuals, whether nurses or something else, may be less symptomatic & less likely to transmit this virus:

With many conditions treatable at home & procedures that at one time required an inpatient stay now being outpatient, most likely those requiring inpatient stays are among the most weakened.

IMO any personnel working with them should either be required to vaccinate, or show proof of exemption, which would include recovery from and antibodies to the virus.

Neither nor—bye bye :wave:

But that exemption isn’t being offered.

“I wonder what grades they got on their quizzes.”

Probably not so great. Those insulting others tend to have little to offer themselves.

Maybe we’ll all get lucky & with that high school mindset, they’ll get rejected for med school.

Or maybe, if they mature, they’ll realize they don’t have any patience or tolerance to work up front with patients and do something behind the scenes of health care.

Have met a few ex docs & nurses in my little behind the scenes role.

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It’s interesting that some of the states offer religious exemptions when no organized religion seems to take a stance against vaccinations:

Because people complain about pro-vaxxers being uncompassionate. God have mercy if any of those people go into medicine.

On second thought, maybe that exemption isn’t such a great idea. Duration of immunity from exposure is unknown: