Howard Schultz weighs independent presidential run, denounces "revenge politics"

I would say the same thing about Republicans, but it would undoubtedly fall on deaf ears. Most of you all won’t abandon Trump no matter what he does, or what comes out about him.

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You put far more effort into that post than the results will net you.


Yes they are

Ummm really they are:

Newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and others have proposed taxing income above $10 million at rates as high as 70%, compared with the current top federal tax rate of about 40%.

Harris, who announced her 2020 bid for the White House last week, was asked by CNN host Jake Tapper Monday night if people could keep their current health care plan under her “Medicare-for-All” plan. She indicated that people could not, suggesting she wants to move toward a single-payer system rather than a mere expansion of Medicare.

Not to mention they want to try and do away completly with anything fossil fuel related. Banning straws (that’s been done by the way in some area’s). And a whole host of other ideas that are just ■■■■■■■ crazy.

I don’t think having a discussion about the proper marginal tax rates to set for government funding is radical, or discussing what type of health care system we should choose. It’s a discussion. If that’s radical, how is building a 3,000 mile Great-Wall-of-the-United-States not?

To me a radical idea is starting an Article V convention to dissolve the US constitution so we can live in a communist or libertarian utopia.

Damn, you’re good. :slight_smile:

The only reason why R’s give a damn about this guy is that they know he will improve Trump’s dwindling prospects for re-election. Which is why he needs to go in the trash bin like a used paper coffee cup.

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Hate to disagree with you mad…but I do. I’m not an ‘R’, I absolutely do not want Trump to win, and I 100% want more people running for office who are willing to spread the message that our nation’s slavish devotion to a 2 party system is hurting us. Looking at this guys political views, I probably wouldn’t vote for him, but I believe we need more people like him, from all over the political spectrum.

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He is going to split and sink the D loudmouths if he gets any traction.

He should use Snoopy as a campaign mascot.


This is Snoopy without Schulz estate approval.

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He will destroy the Orange menace.

Vote Schultz!!


VIEW babes loved him this AM.


I don’t see any exit from the 2-party system now. And turning two parties into three realistically only benefits one of the current two parties. It doesn’t help all three.

Until we figure out a way to make multiple parties work, our country will continue to become more polarized. That is not good for anyone.

This is what I mean…

And there’s a lot more where that came from.

(Note to Camp: Not intended as a poke at you, my friend. Just an example of what I expect R’s will be doing if Schultz hangs around.)

Why are common sense marginal tax rates from the 50s, 60s, and 70s…eras routinely looked back on as great economic times where our country built a solid Middle Class, suddenly considered insane to so many? Is it less insane to live in a world where 26 billionaires are worth as much as the poorest half of the entire planet’s population? Is that kind of wealth/income inequality sustainable?

This is my problem with maintaining the status quo of 2 parties as well. Both parties know it doesn’t really matter who they nominate - they’ll get a percentage of the population to vote for them no matter what. All they have to do is raise massive alarms about the eeeeeeeevil other party getting to power.

That type of thinking led us directly to Donald Trump. And I fear it’s only going to get worse from here.


Camp’s rhetoric is the same type of crap I heard from Republicans back when Trump won the party nomination. “If you don’t back Trump, then you’re only ensuring a Clinton victory!” It was all I heard for months. We all know how that turned out.

The time has long passed for us as a nation to stop voting for the lesser of two evils.

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The problem is libs have gotten so radical…if Obama was running today under the same platform that he ran on in 08…he wouldn’t win the primary.

That’s how extreme and radicalized they have become.

Exactly. This next election will be much different than any we have seen.

If Schultz isn’t careful he will put every employee at his stores in danger…radicalized left will threaten and even in some case harm em for working there.

That’s what going to happen if Schultz gains any traction.

I hope he runs. Not sure how he’d fix anything, but go for it.