Howard Schultz weighs independent presidential run, denounces "revenge politics"

He thinks 70% tax rates are stupid… So, did JFK…

Well, no. JFK backed the plan that made the top marginal rate . . . 70%.

He also advocated:
Increasing unemployment benefits.
Increasing the minimum wage.
Increasing Social Security benefits.
Spending more for infrastructure, like highways


It was 65% top rate but, they had so many tax deductions no one paid that much…

What kind of deductions?

Cost of doing business etc…

Why would you call for private health care plans to be abolished? Even, if you want a govt run one?

Removing the Health Insurance Providers from the system would cause prices to reset to the point before health insurance.

Health insurance has jacked up the prices of the good because they want discounts from the providers. The providers in turn raise the prices so the insurance can have the discounts.

The only people completely screwed are the ones without health insurance. They have to pay the amounts charged to the insurance company and don’t have the negotiating power of a giant company.

I agree health insurance has caused the spiral of inflation, but it’s because it separates the buyer from the cost. I’d be in favor of a law that saying employers can no longer provide health insurance. And just give that money to the employee to purchase health care or insurance if they want. That would end the spiral of inflation.

Not really, it would still have giant insurance providers in the US that keep the prices up. Only the elimination of insurance will lower prices.

But I guarantee that almost every hospital in the US is go under overnight if the insurance market disappeared. Deflation hurts.

yes, Deflation is what we need. And they would survive bankruptcy. There is no reason medical costs should as high as they are. Stuff not covered by insurance like lazek, and bone grafting for teeth replacement prove that. Both are major surgery, but they have to be affordable to get any market share. And they get cheaper over time like most thing is unfettered capitalism.

That’s something I hadn’t thought about, but the road to that is too bumpy to take at the moment, if you ask me. The one thing we can’t have is another four years of Trump. The country couldn’t stand it. Maybe if it was someone else (no, not Pense, either), but no way Trump for another four years.

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I know the R’s in this place don’t agree, but Hillary was never the lesser of two evils. She would have been a fantastic president. She would have made America great, not the Imbecile-in-Chief now.

The problem is, every Presidential election I’ve participated for the last 20 years has been declared by one side or the other (sometimes both) as “THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES!!” This is done with the intent of keeping us in our ‘two-party lanes’ so they know they can count on our vote.

So the question then becomes, when is it safe to start bucking the two-party system? If you rely on the 2 parties to give you the answer, that answer will always be a resounding “NEVER!”

From your point of view, I have no doubt that statement is accurate. I’d even go so far as to say that she would have been an objectively better POTUS than Trump. But she was still a choice I couldn’t get behind.

But I’m not advocating (at least, not wholly) that people stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. I’m just saying we need to stop voting for them just because they are Democrats and Republicans. We need to start demanding more from our candidates, and if we don’t truly believe in the choices we are offered, we should feel free, nay I’ll go so far as to say we should feel obligated to look elsewhere.

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I’ve said this before, but if I could think of any way to make parties themselves illegal without violating the 1st Amendment, I would advocate for just that. As it is, I think the very least we should do is remove party identification from the ballot altogether. Maybe that would help to encourage more people to actually research candidates and what they stand for.

Of course, even that will never happen while we have two party control.

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She would never have made a great president. She never should have run. I’m still pissed at her for deciding to run. Pissed at Obama for making her SoS.

She is as polarizing as trump. And maybe more. Republican Media has decades of hate and vitriol built up for her. Screw her for not being able to see that.

It’s why Sean is spending the night first hour of his radio show today screaming about Hillary. She should have retired from everything after her first failed run.

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I was reading about him, so far I like what I have read. His number 1 priority is trying to head the national debt, before we turn into Zimbabwe.

electoral collage makes him winning impossible.

My first and about only question regarding someone possibly running as an independent for President is he more likely to wind up putting a Democrat or a Republican in the White House?

Depends on their policy are they liberal or Conservative.