Honest Brokers- Hamas

Incorrect. And there is no such thing as American citizenship.

There is no such thing as “dual citizenship.” There is citizenship and there is jurisdiction. Citizenship is a legal status, not an emotional status.

And yet hostages are being released.

That army that you disparage?

Not because of Brandon Inc.

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:rofl: There is no army.

Sure, sure.

You’re really going to try it?


Guessing you are bored.

But lets go your way. So biden has not secured the release of 1 single American in a month and a half

Actually there is as I have dual citizenship US and Canada.

Perhaps you should not try to discuss that which you know nothing of.

I sure as heck aren’t going to wait around for you to provide evidence of your claims, or explanations for your cryptic responses, or elaborations on your emojis.

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I was just interested and had no idea if you would or would not. There is No underlying or secret reason.

No, it matters.

No, you don’t. There is no such thing.

You’re really going try giving credit to Brandon Inc for something he had no part in?

Actually there is.

My parents immigrated here from Canada. During the process of naturalization I was born. My parents still being Canadian citizens made me Canadian, was born in the US making me American.

I have been citizen of both ever since, legally.

But No worries. I understand. You are bored and attempting to play tic-tac-toe.

Argument for the sake of argument. How desperate for attention can a person be?

Play elsewhere sad one.

No, there isn’t. When you are in Canada, you are a Canadian citizen.

When you are in the US, you are a US citizen.

Let either country institute a draft and set foot in that country and see what happens.

Do you vote in Canadian elections?

My son is a citizen of Colombia. My son is a citizen of the US. Colombia has obligatory military service.

Be careful of misunderstanding your situation, it can be dangerous.

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:rofl: You can’t get away with that in your own kitchen. You think it’s going to work on me?

I’d consider it a failure for all civilized people left on earth at that time. Hamas is absolutely garbage.

Not worth saving?

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I had this thread in mind when pondering my response.

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