Honest Brokers- Hamas

How, if not by helping negotiations that has led to the release of hostages?

And since day 1 of this faux presidency it’s clear he not only does not care for the safety and security of the American people but the country as a whole.

Well that didn’t last. Guessing Hamas either isn’t interested in giving up hostages or the rest are all dead?

How, by reading note cards?

Biden couldn’t negotiate for the leg of a Turkey on Thanksgiving. He’s weak, incompetent, he panders and he couldn’t care less about putting Americans before his poll numbers.

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With what?


Not unexpected at all. I’m surprised it lasted this long.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: You guys are really going to try this?

That’s what happens when a person hires lables in stead of people.

1 American

all terrorists need to go, thats a given.

did i ever tell you, i hate all terrorists with an unbridled passion.


She’s not American. She has US citizenship. She is Israeli and she live in Israel.

17 from Thailand.

And Thailand is doing what in this war?

They’re selling hostages

A child.

Her parents were murdered on 10/7
Hamas murdered Americans, ■■■■ for brains takes a victory lap.


Lets face facts.

Hamas is holding the Americans because they know that biden has already negotiated with terrorists and they know he will give them what they want as he has in the past. (Iran)

No, it’s not. She is an Israeli. She lives in Israel. Her family is Israeli.

She just happens to have an additional legal status.

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If you hold American citizenship then you are American.

Just because a person holds dual citizenship doesn’t negate either.

A lot of whinging in this thread. Anyone getting out is a good thing, and as Sneaky aptly stated, not all “Americans” are in fact American, they just have dual citizen. All told we have less than 10 people who are citizens that are missing, but whether they are hostages or dead is another matter.

If some of those are of the age where they can serve in the military HAMAS is not going to let them go without considerable concessions and escalation of the type of imprisoned person they get. Not just women chasing cops with knives, they are going to want imprisoned leadership.

Another problem is Islamic Jihad, they snuck through when HAMAS busted down the gates and took everyone they could lay a hand on. HAMAS doesn’t have those hostages and they are running out of hostages they hold and are willing to release. If Americans are being held by Islamic Jihad, there isn’t much HAMAS, Israel or America can do until they directly deal with them.