Honest Brokers- Hamas

It takes a special kind of warp to arrive at such conclusions.


There should have been no hostages to begin with, and the palestinians shouldn’t have started the war. They are apocalyptic in their goals. Check into the 12th Imam…

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Yes hostages are being released, which is a great thing.

Also, during this ceasefire, Hamas is also moving weapons, strengthening positions, moving fighters, etc. How do I know this?
Part of the agreement is no drones over Gaza. A ceasefire is a double-edged sword, on one side, good, on the other bad. Question to be answered logically/strategically is…is the release of hostages worth Hamas reinforcement/re-arming.

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Rinse and repeat. As long as Hamas remains, this is what you get.

Wasn’t that attack exhilarating???

Didn’t say that.

But bidens first responsibly is to Americans.

This idiot’s first priority is to save hamas and Palestinians

biden is a piece of garbage as is his entire America Last admin…

I read that. Hamas has given hostages to other muslim sewer rat groups.


In fact, if Hamas doesn’t get destroyed this time around, it will reinforce the tactic of taking hostages as a self-defense mechanism. Next time it will be 1000 hostages.


I heard on Fox this AM that they think most of the rest of teh americans are men, who Hamas views as soldiers and are not releasing yet.

As did you. Peace and love.

And brandon does nothing.

In the event that after the hostages are released and at some future point Israel ceases the current war (for want of a better word) and Hamas still exists, would you consider that a failure on Israels part?

This thread proves that the politics on this is also a double edged sword.

If we push for a cease fire and release of hostages, the criticism is, we’re being soft on Hamas, and why aren’t they releasing americans first?

If we support ignoring negotiations and focusing on eliminating Hamas, we’re ignoring the captives…

What should he do? Invade Gaza?

I wish the news media would not focus on the personal stories surrounding these releases. It plays into this Hamas tactic.

What have I ever said that would lead you to question that I would NOT consider it a failure?

Of course it would be a failure.

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How much do you want to bet if Israel took the leaders of Hamas, living like kings in Qatar prisoner, the hostages would be released in exchange for them.

No pause necessary.


He should quit sniveling about palistinians and statrt concerning his worthless self on getting Americans home.

But then thus is the same guy who has time and again abandoned Americans to die. 13 marines come to mind.

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Obviously, Biden is being led by people who don’t know what the hell they are doing and he doesn’t know any different due to his misfiring mental capabilities.

Clearly, Biden doesn’t give a hoot about Americans as he has shown time and time again.