Have Democrats painted themselves into a corner?

What does it explain? Obviously you are trying to say since I have roots in the area then I must have white supremacist leanings.

Which is a pretty dumb angle to take, but here we are. If that’s not what you’re insinuating, then feel free to clarify what “explains a few things” is supposed to mean.

The hippies experiencing police brutality in Portland? :rofl:

Where are you going with this? If they’re not black they can’t be against racial injustice and police brutality?

I read Stormfront and other white supremacist communities. Does that make me a white supremacist? Nope. I share nothing in common with their beliefs or say anything that sounds like them.

Their beliefs and the things they say sound all too familiar though. Guess who they sound like?

For those that don’t know Portland. Portland is thee most whitest large city in America with extreme tolerant for protesting and smoking pot.

Those protesting don’t know first hand about police brutality or racial injustice. They never experienced it nor have they ever witnessed it.

They’re mostly from well to do families. Today the city is into high tech industry…maybe not like SF and Seattle but that is were the wealth is at now.

Their Black population is 5.5 percent with city about 650 thousand people.

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And yet the ugliest form of racism is using entire race as sacrificial pawns so one can remain in power.

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Ok, and? Since they’re not black they can’t protest.

Between that and the “sacrificial pawn” comment…wow. What happened to keeping it to a dull roar?


A dictator would have an underling use the IRS to oppress the opposing party like Obama did. Then Lerner bragged about it after the election calling it an apology!

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Biden said some interesting in his little Pittsburgh speech that could become very problematic for him very quickly.

“Let me say that again: I am not banning fracking no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

His comments about the violence as well. They directly contradict statements made by BLM speakers.

He has made alliances he can’t handle and now he’s chasing poll numbers. He’s missing the schwepunkt and has lost the initiative.

I think Trump is prepping the debate battle space.


This sudden dem criticism of rioting is not going to sit well with The Woke.

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He will be welcomed by his supporters if they are not too scared to come out in public in fear of being shamed. The state as of Wisconsin is not a solid blue state anymore at the national level anymore.

That being said the local politicians are responsible for keeping their areas safe. I could be wrong but I don’t think the city burnings is helping the Democratic Party, especially two months before the election.

I will say this again I still think it’s Baden’s race to lose I just think that all the rioting is were we are seeing his lead lesson over the past few months. Two more months of violence and rioting possibly could flip the race.

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Good OP and thread @Bill.in.PA


Nor is it with the woken.

The reminders will be there well after the election is over.

Talk about tone deaf. Biden is going to screw around and put those women on the warpath.

That’s why it has been burning for “decades” as President Trump said last night on Laura Ingraham’s show and why Ingraham didn’t bother to contradict our President.

Thank you for the thoughtful response. You are talking about your opinion and I find nothing irrational about it, but I think the violence and rioting are NOT exclusively detrimental to Biden and beneficial to Trump. Nixon won on a “Law and Order” campaign in '68, but he was not the incumbent. President Trump’s argument that he must be re-elected to end the violence and looting he can’t stop now is weak sauce to me. For others too I imagine.

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White people are burning it.

for decades.
