Greene says jewish space laser

like the tragically unfunny and ghastly unattractive Kathy griffin?

how about say, Maria Chappelle-Nadal?

oh right, she wasnt joking

(Kathy may not have been either. it’s too hard to tell)

are they Pos’s?

Yes, like her

and maria?

Neither was Greene when she said that Pelosi should be executed for treason.

I have no idea who that is but unlike yourself I don’t give a pass to some for saying things whoie condemning others for the same thing

:+1:t3: Right on.

“Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.”
Herbert Marcuse - 1965

And if the House flips there is now the precedence that the Republicans don’t have to let Pelosi sit on a committee.

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Hey did you hear this? Trump supporters are gonna violate political norms next time! Lol.


I’m not the one who has to tie myself in rhetorical knots to defend this moron.

That makes two of us. You can be president of the club.

Dems are violating and changing those norms now.

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Did you hear that guys? Trump supporters are gonna be super uncivil and break all the norms because of what Democrats are doing now!

Please I’m having a hard time breathing from laughing.


You literally had to make up your own fake conspiracy theory to defend her beliefs. Lol


I’m not defending her beliefs. I’m defending her right to have beliefs. Lol.

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Aren’t some leftist saying trump should be tried for treason? Aren’t there some leftist who want cruz to be tried for treason? I seem to remember leftist calling for trump to be hung.

Your whole P-Anon thing. It’s very fan fic.

Read a few posts in this thread.

Somebody has you fine geniuses believing in fascists behind every bush and that Antifa is fighting them. Somebody has you believing BLM Inc. is just protesting police brutality. That CT is either not real or just a li’l thang.

P-anon will do.

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Which is something that isn’t in dispute

It’s a completely fake thing you made up just to counter QAnon publicly starting to consume your party. And you’re not special, that’s just what conservatives do, take what liberals say and repurpose it whether it makes sense or not.

QAnon is a real thing. PAnon is some ■■■■ you made up because I’m the one who broke the news of QAnon’s existence to you and you were desperately trying to find a left wing equivalent to it and were certain it existed from minute one and finding nothing, you wrote fiction.