Greene says jewish space laser

You would be totally fine working with someone who said they wanted to bullet in your head BEFORE they were hired? Makes it totally fine with you? As long as it was said before the hiring date, you’re cool?

Do you? I would be very surprised. Congress doesn’t have an HR department for Congresspersons. They have voters.

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OK now she didnt say that. so you can roll back that narrative. this isnt tv news

i didnt say i would be “totally fine” with it it’s extremely inappropriate. besides this isnt really about me. try not to drag the issue down to the personal level. (again, this isnt tv news)

unless she broke rules it’s not grounds to strip of her appointments

i dont expect her not to be criticized or be given grief over it though. and she was.

shes expressed her regrets and has apologized. that counts for something.

now let her do her job

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I am comparing to a corporation. I’m quite confident that if this issue came up with HR in a corporate setting, the person would be fired. Corporations have no tolerance for hostile work environments.

Now, Congress can’t fire her, but they don’t have to give her any appointments.

Yeah pretty convenient that she doubled down on it right up until the point she realized she was going to lose her committee assignments.

She went and actually harassed those Parkland kids in person. And she never said 9/11 didn’t happen, but that a plane didn’t hit the Pentagon. Pretty weak sauce apology, “I was tricked, I’m too stupid.”

Also didn’t say ■■■■ about QAnon or any of the other fifty crazy things she’s said.

In fairness, there’s also video of her saying Pelosi should be convicted of treason and immediately following it up with the penalty for treason is death.

You know that never happened right?

did she do that at the stomping bleacher rally they had?

i dont give a ■■■■ what she thinks about 9/11

and yes she apologize for her whack theories. watch her press conference.

it’s like i clicked on CNN every time i read a post in here

Dude how many times do you have to be told this: no one but old people watch cable news anymore. I haven’t even had cable since 2010.

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Something for her voters, not Pelosi, to consider.

But I believe you believe that.

No. She liked the post suggeteding Speaker Pelosi be assinated before she was elected.

Does that matter?

It does speak volumes about the principles of the Republicans who voted for her in the primary

Pelosi doesn’t have to allow her to sit on a committee.

Pelosi has no class! How dare she not bend over backwards for the hair of fire crazy lady who would like to see her dead.

same “news” is on their websites and precious protected socials. different electronic device, same ■■■■■■■■

i cut my cable yeas ago too. and ph line

well it should

but being on the left, pelosi will make her pay

at least she didnt do it after being elected like democrats have done about the president

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no one on twitter jokes about taking out politicians?

Pieces of ■■■■ maybe. In addition to that she also said that Pelosi should be executed for treason. Then punted when asked if she still stands behind her comment