Greene says jewish space laser

…started the forest fires in CA.

How can the GOP let this woman sit on committees that affect policy?

And how does this jive with the pro israel GOP platform?


how will this affect her work on (sub)committees?

So she has a theory about the California fires and she’s condemned for it’s nonsense but those who have irresponsibly managed the terrain, making it ripe for fires and complicit in the destruction of homes, forest lands, wildlife and the pollution from them…get a free pass. That’s the ticket…or at least…the lib one.


First off she’s so dumb she thinks Jews are using secretly using directed energy weapons to start forest fires and even worse she actually tells people this publicly.


Greene seems unable to focus on or believe in the real causes of important issues.

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Warned you not to defend QAnon people.

…kind of reminds you of what Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom should have been doing in managing California’s terrain but didn’t and thus what resulted was the worst fires in California history.

It’s really weird how sheople just eat, regurgibleat…and the next day repeat the issues the shepherds want their sheople to eat…all while ignoring the important realities present right before their eyes.

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Like Greene?


She has virtually no authority, therefore I’m not spending much time with what she has to say or not say. As she climbs the political ladder, that may one day change but for now…I’m more concerned with California’s leaders irresponsibilities being complicit in the $25.4 billion in damages from their fires. How about you?

yea that is the exact ticket.

press is on a discredit and destroy mission for their robots to buy and disseminate for her impeachment push for Biden

That seems awfully convenient for you.


The Jooooooooooooos


please point out where exactly she said a “jewish space laser started the forest fire” as your title indicates

K…now my second piece of advice for you today is, pick your battles. Your time and energy is limited. :sunglasses:

She’s not the only elected republican with strong Q Anon beliefs.

You should also take your own advice. We’re barely a week into the Biden presidency and y’all’s hair is already on fire. Pace yourself.

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…or an elected official calling her fellow politicians “white supremacists”. I look to the left, i look to the right…and I see problems. How about you? Are both eyes open?

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We’re focusing on Greene at the moment.

a week?

if that’s “hair on fire“ what do you call 19 minutes after inauguration?


Lol. No, having a legit insane person who is rising rapidly in the GOP is news.


My friend…he’s signed more EOs in his first week in office and…he doesn’t even know what he’s signing but…he’s being told to sign them anyways.

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