Frankincense. Anyone?

In “Recorded History” it’s taboo by those that make laws to keep control in the hives. There is survival value to that however, to people who cling and endlessly repeat primitive samsaric behavior.

People are always creating their future rebirths and have a hard time realizing THEY are doing it by their own causes made with body, mouth and mind. It spirals downhill and then all their arrogant “best laid plans” turn out to be silly.

LUCKILY, there is a more reliable memory bank where the past, present and future can be “read”.

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Anticancer properties …
Improve oral health…
Gut function…

Real medicine in the first century?

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All medicine originates in Nature. One plant stands above them all in terms of medicinal benefits.

I am for legalizing cannabis. I was for legalizing liquor in my county when it was dry. Our county is a lot more calm than it was when it was dry with the bootleggers and drunk drivers. People who want it are gonna get it anyway and if it’s legal it will be more affordable.

I think people should be exposed to all of it and maybe learn temperance. We lived in a wet county for a time when this county was still dry. People visited me and tried to drink the town dry.

I just want people to better understand the history these things have throughout our cultures and religions and sciences.

Those links I posted number in the hundreds, and that’s not even half of the peer-reviewed studies out there. All that, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. It doesn’t cover the tens of thousands of industrial uses (fuel, construction material, plastics, textiles, etc.).

But circling back around to Frankincense, you’ll note that it has the same exact terpenes as certain strain of Cannabis, just as other strains have piney, peppery, floral, citrus scents.

Myrcene is a terpene found in mangoes and some of my favorite strains of cannabis. It’s one of the more potent terpenes in terms of anti-inflammation, and potheads have long known that eating a mango about 45-60 minutes before smoking pot enhanced the body-numbing effects (couch-lock).

Humulene is very effective for pain and has good anti-bacterial properties. This would also have synergistic effects with cannabinoids, and there’s no reason to think that people weren’t purposely getting stoned for religious purposes in a time where prepubescent children drank alcohol with breakfast.

Are you serious?..2022?

No wonder you think Pot is the best thing since sliced bread!

I have no idea what you think you just inferred from my posts. lol

I clicked that old thread from 2022 you linked where you said you planned on trying it at least once before you died…or was that somebody elses quote…? :upside_down_face:

No, that was @Piper saying she wanted to try it. I’m 30 years in since my first joint. :rofl:


:smile: :laughing:

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It read as your quote :crazy_face:

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K…special invitation…come visit me and I’ll roll a fat one. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


But that…“leads to harder stuff”…like bread, chips etc.

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I’ve been married to the woman who walks the straightest line (opposites attract) and she has been a positive influence on me (thank you Father) all this time. That said, I work a job that entails a lot and is considered highly stressful. I come home at night, poor a drink and then go and what I call…“sit on the Yeti”. It’s a little time by myself where I’ll enjoy a l’il herb. We’ve been married in excess of 40 years. In her profession, what I do will not pass muster. One day, someone in her circle, with many professionals listening said the same thing. She…of all people…based on what she witnessed all this time said, “no it doesn’t”. Every one there was shocked that this came out of her mouth. We’re opposite but she honored me in an area that she will not participate in any way, shape or form. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


I thought that was me. I haven’t tried it yet. I don’t even know what is smells like burning. lol


You missed my post edit where i said it leads to harder stuff…bread, chips, pizza, bagels.

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Depends where you live I suppose. In CA it’s normal air.

That’s sad. I appreciate my fresh mountain air.

I can even smell Pot gummies and see them on people’s teeth.

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I have never heard that story. Perhaps his mother Mary was an excellent weaver? Or maybe his heavenly Father made that garment for Him. It was the day of miracles. He was the son of a carpenter and maybe a carpenter himself.

He did say “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head.” Between His enemies and His friends, he didn’t get much rest.

I doubt the gifts from the Magi would have made this family rich for life, but he was a Jew and most Jews in those days were well off.