FBI confirms it has Hunter Biden's laptop

Biden needs to bring up that Trump paid more in Chinese taxes than American taxes.

The fleecing of America continues, and Trump supporters continue to open their wallets for this conman.

Trump > America


That needs to be his answer when Trump attempts to bring up Hunter in the debate on Thursday.


…vs…Adam Schiff?


The lib excuse making in this thread…is STRONG. :sunglasses:

Oh, oh…why is that? :rofl:

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They’re your excuses.

Unnamed sources who are senior administration officials, not people from the FBI themselves.

According to you guys, that makes them suspect…right? They should be brave enough to put their names on their statements…right?

And what do you think about Donald Trump:

*withdrawing $15 M from Trump International’s capital fund in 2017, a year in which the organization had a huge strange spike in revenues to $17 M, which was greater than their revenues for the previous five years combined?

*having a secret Chinese bank account?

*paying more in taxes to China than he does to the United States?

All on the up and up? Maybe we should get Bill Barr to investigate.

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‘Purports’ is a synonym for ‘confirmed’, right?

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It’s more proof the fix was in & the FBI didn’t let this be known WHY? The FBI is corrupt. They just want to have something to hold over the head of Biden should he become President so they can continue their never ending wars & funding of the goodies they want.

Turns out your masters lied to you…

How does that make you feel?

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Or we could go with actual reality which is that your masters lied to you…

How does that make you feel?

Turns out the FBI told Johnson that they’re looking at this stuff and reminded Johnson about Russian disinformation. That is clearly the lens through which the FBI is perceiving this attempt.

Must be terrible to be used so badly and so often.

Negative. The FBI not only does not confirm it has anything, but they also chastised Comrade Johnson for asking them to confirm anything. And reminded him that they are absolutely NOT a political wing of the Trump administration and will not be commenting or confirming anything. Including whether or not they are actually investigating this incident as a serious attempt by a hostile foreign government to interfere in our elections on behalf of Trump.


Psst…the subpoena cover-story is falling apart. Especially since Rudes and Comrade Johnson decided to claim there was child pornography on the laptop.

These idiots are really terrible at this. But Rudes is about the best Trump can afford these days.

I like the not confirming anything. And we’re not part of the committee to re-elect the president. And, BTW, if we were to confirm anything, which we’re not, we should probably remind you that we told you about the Russians trying to do something that looks exactly like this, just as an aside completely unrelated to the things we’re not confirming or the questions you asked.

This is ■■■■■■■ hilarious.


100%!!! It is a beautiful thing to witness when Lucy yanks the ball away from Charlie Brown yet again!


Does it pass the sniff test.

Snowfinch bummer clause:

Don’t go too far down this road. There has been FBI on background (NBC article) trying to get the word out that this is part of a Russian disinformation case.


I expect more leaking to come.

So this boils down to which speaking-out-of-turn source is more trustworthy.

Actual FBI is more credible to me than senior administration, but that is in the eye of the beholder. Both leakers are violating the official FBI stance of no comment. And both in the interest of politics, ahem, informing the public.

(Edited to update link to be more direct to the article)

Angry at Democrats!

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That’s quite a conclusion.

Ha ha ha ha ha [deep breath] HA HA HA HA HA!!!

They have it you DNC Media morons. They’ve ALWAYS had it. It’s in conjunction with the freaking GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION that the Delaware US Attorney has been doing since DECEMBER of last year.


What is the FBI’s statement on this?