Even too liberal for Whoopie

Not really about disagreement. Name etymology is a bit more complex than “yes so is goldbloom” or some such.

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Not in my estimation.

Yes i was asking about your estimation. How come?

It’s about a child having sex and doing drugs. In my view that is clearly adult content.

And she ODs or dies by suicide the end and writes about the detriment of both doing drugs and having sex at such a young age. Do 8th graders know about sex and drugs?

That book scared me off drugs btw for a long long time.

If you made a movie that was faithful to the books content, what would it be rated?

I don’t know why they do but it makes me violently angry.

Black people and Jewish people should be natural allies, in my opinion. We have a similar history with oppression and being hated by the majority in the countries in which we were minorities. Society has blamed all of its ills on both the Jews and the Blacks, depending on which country you were in at the time. Our peoples are both victims of mass enslavement, pogroms, and genocides throughout history.

If any two “racial” groups should be close knit and allied, it should be black people and Jewish people. We have a ton in common in terms of our mutual histories.

It wouldn’t be faithful to the books content because it would be a dramatization of what she described in the diary. Being faithful to the pins content would be her pouring her heart into the diary

The last time they made a movie like that was in 2003 and there is a huge difference between the Movie Thirteen and go ask Alice. Like miles apart.

Dodge, it wouldn’t be pg and you know it.

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She’s a friend of the program, being a leftist. If she became too much like Cynthia McKinney or her father we would see just how powerless Whoopi really is.

I never sayd it would be you can make go ask Alice as pg13. You don’t have to do what Thirteen did

It’s also a ridiculous metric given that dramatization can be dramatically different

That’s right. Many Jews don’t like the policies of the government of Israel.

Apples to apples, the movie would have to include everything in the book and use appropriate aged actors. That would land you in jail.

Well no it wouldn’t because they made like that. It’s called Thirteen. Nobody went to jail.

Regardless go ask Alice could be done through the perspective of rehab. Like girl interrupted.

If they had used actors that were really that age, they would be in jail. the book isn’t about adults pretending to be children.


Why do some white people hate Jewish people?

They did use actors that were close to that age one of the girls was 15

Again go ask Alice cms be done through the lens of rehab with her verbally recounting the issues she went and showing the psychological effects. That’s what the diary is. It’s her psychological reaction to the drug abuse.

unless you provide something more substantial to support your position then yeah it’s pretty much just about disagreement.

Sure, you could make a G rated movie out of it easily, but you asked if the book was appropriate for children, not if a cleaned up rewritten version of it would be.

My position is the answer.com shouldn’t be relied upon with such gusto as being capable of destroying a narrative not the etymology of the name Goldberg