El Paso Walmart Shooting

So once again: what would be wrong in keeping America majoritarian white? Why should it be mixed up, that process being even forced and atificial, not natural?


Spoiler alert…that poster passed his US history naturalization test…unlike some other

your Stasi/KGB discriminative methods will not stop me to voice my opinions and/or to speak out the truth, even regarding US history
Stop with that childish behavior !

Discrimination method…by using facts?

He has a history of saying that

I love Canada and its diversity so many cultures all existing peaceful together, everyone is happy! so many festival in the cities to take part in.

this middle eastern family restaurant just opened the food is so good and the service is amazing, its such a nice family feeling when your in there they all remember your name.

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Did the Wal-Mart terrorist live with his dad?

So many people to take part in! All rainbows and unicorns there. :rofl:

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blast from the past that case was major news, and wasn’t he from Quebec? those people are crazy!

What a bigoted thing to say. :laughing:

I’m French i’m allowed to hate them.

Yes a fact, the poster you responded to passed the naturalization test. That is a fact.

Rest of your post seems very silly and without reason…

did you copy past this from some white supremacy website.

Oooh, and tribal too!


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The talk wasnt about naturalization test, but about US history …


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See fact and bonus linking to the source

I kid I love French-Canadians such a silly group of people unique culture, I love visiting old Quebec.

Oh those cannibals, eh? lol


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