El Paso Walmart Shooting

The US justice system is a hot mess, but it’s a damn sight better than it was a hundred years back.

People like to think that if they’re innocent they’ll be fine. It’s a nice fantasy.

I don’t care for them.

Do you like blowing ■■■■ up?

European nations (which are white) are a cancer if they want to remain homogenous and not being mixed up with all possible migrant folks from everywhere in the world? :roll_eyes:

Keep America white!

I talk about Europe

and even that claim, what would be wrong in keeping America majoritarian white? USA was built almost by white people

What in the hell

The claim just got 20 people murdered.

they are not even hiding anymore.

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Straight from Eastern Europe.

The claim killed nobody, it was a murder who did it.
Spare me your generalizations!

Nope not at all… He straight up said America should be mostly white…

Well according to the murder there was to many Mexicans.



It looks like I have to teach you some basic history class: USA was built from 18th century until the first half of 20th century. In that time, USA was more than 90% white . The founding fathers who designed and wrote down the Constitution were all white. The Unionists who won the civil war and abolished slavery were white. Etc, etc, etc
Probably facts like that arent taught anymore in US schools and universities by ■■■■■■■ professors, but this is the reality…

spoiler alert, the poster is not in America.


You obviously dont understand subjunctive (‘would’) and have surely missed the question mark
Pls dont change the meaning of my posts, I could do the same with yours and it would end up in a quarrel, probably

I surely must have missed the forum rules where its told that only Americans / people who live in America are allowed to write on this forum :roll_eyes: