Do it it

Trump says a lot of things. This isn’t new either. He said he was going to do the same thing with Hilary Clinton. Nothing happened.

Pretty sure Barr has checked out as Trump consigliere and is tending the burn barrels to keep his own butt out of a sling.


At some point Trump supporters just have to come to grips that he’s just playing them, don’t they?


They haven’t for a bunch of years. It was hook, line and sinker fro the get go.

Unless Republicans can force Biden to re-appoint Sessions as AG, any new AG he appoints would just end the investigations.
Sessions was a oner.

I honestly forgot that Sessions was ever Trump’s AG. That seems like ages ago. I think Barr was the best thing to happen to Trump’s presidency. Just in terms of competency. Desperately needed at key times.

19 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2020 Election Fraud Thread

Barr did what he wanted…to protect his beloved agency.

I came to grips that CoJ and FBI is corrupt as hell. In fact I wouldn’t piss on them if they’re on fire.

I remember in the 60’s being draft eligible with no right to vote, college deferments for rich kids, thinking that Big Business, the Military and Government got together each morning to figure out how to oppress and disenfranchise us.

Ahhh to be a young lefty.

You’re stealing our stuff, Conan. I want a royalty.

This might be my favoritist post here ever.


2nd favoritist.

Yeah. That whole thing about mucking around with the SDNY on behalf of Halkbank should be looked into.

Sadly I doubt it will be.

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Yep…after the crash of 2008, the modern right wing figured out how to add good old-fashioned left-wing populism to their bag of tricks.

Trump is just the latest manifestation of that.

Why doesn’t Durham just recommend charges for those ‘corrupt bastards’?


To be an American in an America where the constitution matters = Deep seated need.

It is so deep that many Americans have sacrificed their lives for it.

Remember back in 2016 when Trump was going to have his AG look into Hillary’s “situation” if he got elected?

Yeah, I think this is going to turn out pretty much the same way.

In Trump’s case, past performance is an indicator of future performance.


Some of us were anti MIC, Big Pharma, and crony capitalism long before that.

By making sure you voted for the folks that would give them huge tax cuts and slash regulations on them.

Way to show them you mean business!

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Yeah, that war with Iran, I mean Syria, I mean ummm, no new war the last 4 years was YUGE. Well, at least we added more troops in Afghanistan, wait…

Deflection noted.