2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

As the CISA head Krebs said.

“This was the most secure election in United States history”

The Republican governors of Arizona and Georgia have certified their election totals and appointed Biden electors.

Unsure where you get you numbers from.

I get mine from Republican governors and Secretaries of State who are in charge of their states elections.

“We do elections right in Arizona”

You lost.


Cool. Already certified.

As far as this so-called lawsuit, past is prelude.

Your dude is retweeting “catturd” tonight. Let that really sink in.


Barr is AG in name only, right now.

He hasn’t lifted a finger to help trump in his quest to overturn the election and keep power.


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4 years and none of it has sunk in.
Some still refuse to believe Cat Turd, I mean Trump, lost.

How does trump’s assault on a free and fair election figure into things for you?

Assault? We all know that your talking points from MSM are aimed at turning the tables. Trump and his supporters are using legal means to obtain a free and fair election after the democrats cheated.

It was a free and fair election.
Biden got 80+ million, Trump got 73+ million.
Biden got 306 ECs, Trump got 232 ECs.
Biden won.

Now, Trump is spouting his usual sore-loser attitude and trying to undermine democracy.
The constitution is still in good shape.
America is still in good shape.


:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Here’s the problem - Trump and his minions haven’t shown evidence in any court yet that would lead a judge to believe that anyone “cheated” in this election, and we’re sitting here almost a month after the fact.

Just because Trump tweets that someone “cheated,” or says so in a speech, doesn’t make that a reality. It has to be demonstrated in a court of law in order to be actionable. That hasn’t happen. Hence, case after case has left Trump’s minions tucking their tails and leaving embarrassed in case after case.


So where is this voluminous amounts of fraud that is being submitted to court as evidence? So far courts have dismissed over 35 cases because Trump’s team of crackpot lawyers cannot provide anything except “this person saw something”.

Sorry, constitution won. America won. Democracy won.


I’ll say. The fact that he has been silent about this whole election foolishness speaks volumes. Trump even tweeted that he can’t understand why the DOJ han’t gotten involved.


He tried one time at the beginning by stating his department would investigate any cases where there were credible allegations of election fraud…but it was half-hearted.

Barr is obviously a member of the deep state, appointed by a deep state operative. Trump needs to drain the swamp and get rid of him.

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Safe harbor day in a week.


One week to prove it.

Prove it or lose it.


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! This claim about no evidence is disputed.

Yet in every court of law…the “evidence” is laughed out of court.


It’s almost as if they want each one to go to the Supreme Court. I just don’t get it.

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By who? Drippy Rudy?
Courts certainly are dismissing every “case”.


Yet his legal team, in court, under oath said they were not accusing fraud.

But anyway, so your answer to my question seems to be delusion mixed with apathy.